𝖀 𝕲𝖔𝖙 𝕸𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉

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Chapter 09 :
U Got Me Cornered

"HOW can you help me getting Naruto?."

Orochimaru offered Sasuke to take a sit which he gladly accepted, Orochimaru leaned on his student. His said student lean back, to have some comfortable space between them.

"It's actually very simple, Sasuke-kun ... " Orochimaru muttered.

Sasuke crossed his arms while he raised one of his brows in response indicating that he was listening on whatever his Sensei will offer.

"Kidnap him." Orochimaru simply said. His chin above his hands, a smirk on his thin lips.

"Are you out of your mind?." Sasuke growled, he stands up and was about to leave the room, “I knew asking Orochimaru for help is pointless.” Sasuke thought and roll his eyes.

"Ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome?." Orochimaru hissed to get Sasuke's attention, the said raven completely ignore him. He will never consider his offers, if he's going to have Naruto - he can do it by himself.

The huge passage suddenly close, Sasuke irritatingly turn around to face, Orochimaru. "Here me out first, if you still didn't like my offer then you could simply refused." Orochimaru insisted.

Sasuke sigh, he nod to the Snake Sannin, signaling him to speak, "As usual, I'm going to play the role of the bad guy." Orochimaru announced as he lean on the wall.

"Here's the plan."

The Jinchūriki of the Nine Tails, Uzumaki Naruto was currently laying on the bed in some random hotel, in the land of Sunagakure. Tomorrow, he's going - I mean, they are going to go back to Konoha.

The said blond can't asleep, he kept turning and turning, trying to be in a comfortable position so he could finally rest. He couldn't understand, this bed was surely more soft, and the pillows was fluffy than the one he have back at Konoha yet he still couldn't stop overthinking.

He's thought was currently occupied by one certain Uchiha.

Sasuke didn't send him any letter ... Maybe he forgot? ... Maybe he's busy training.”

As he kept staring at the blank ceiling above him, he heard a little thud. He just ignore it at first but when it became louder it started to irritate him, so, decided to check what it was.

Naruto crouched down to checked under the bed, table, chairs and he even drawers but he couldn't find anything.

While he was admiring the well organized drawer, he unconsciously look over the window and saw some ... snake?.

Due to him being surprised to see a long snake on his window, he jolted and stumbled through a small stool, he then [accidentally] stumbled and landed on his bottom, it didn't stop there - He groaned when books started to fall directly on his head.

"Ow ... " He whined while he soothingly rubbed his head, where the damn books landed. He again turn to window to check if the snake was still there, the said snake was still there - the slimy creature even roll his stick eyes on the clumsy Leaf Nin.

"Did you just - DID YOU JUST ROLL YOUR EYES ON ME!? WHY YOU!." Naruto exclaimed while accusingly pointing at unfazed snake.

The snake pointed his tail or the sharp end of his body on the lock on the window, the snake wants him to open the window.

Should I open it or not? ... But, what if it's a summon!? Like the crow back with Shikamaru ...” Naruto thought, feeling hesitant if he should obey the snake.

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