𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐

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Chapter 06 :
Heart To Heart Talk

UCHIHA Sasuke literally stiffened, as he stare at Kabuto with wide eyes. Sasuke can't believe what Kabuto just said - his brother is at their hideout asking for him. Itachi don't know how much he wanted for this day to come - he can finally meet his brother ... and get rid of him once and for all.

Sasuke took out a familiar scroll from his pockets, "Oh, you still have that?." Kabuto said commented, he didn't really thought that Sasuke would use the scroll he gave him.

Sasuke ignore him and just cut a small wound on his palm, using his sword. They watch how the red liquid flow from Sasuke's hand to the yellowish paper, when the blood reached the small circle the writings beside it started to glow brightly.

Sasuke face Kabuto first, as he gave him an are you coming with me look. Kabuto seems to get the message and waved his hands, declining.

"Nah, Orochimaru-sama ordered me to do some important things, and besides ... I think you need to have a heart-to-heart talk with your nii-chan ..." Kabuto teasingly said, emphasizing the word nii-chan.

"Hn." Sasuke didn't bother to ask what was the important things Kabuto was talking about, Sasuke closed his eyes as a bright light surrounded him and the next thing he knew ... Sasuke was standing in front of the said hideout.

Sasuke immediately saw Itachi and a figure behind him outside our hideout, both of them were wearing the infamous Akatsuki cloak, red clouds littered on the cloak, they also wear a strawhat above their heads.

But Sasuke still recognized who is who, it was not that hard. Obviously, it was because of the height difference. The younger Uchiha also noticed that the other had a blond hair which reminds him of a certain someone.

Orochimaru was talking to Itachi, they look like they were discussing something serious. Sasuke then walked towards them, the first person who noticed his presence was the blond-haired figure behind Itachi.

Itachi's partner slightly tugged Itachi's cloak, Itachi looked at him and he pointed me, Itachi follow where the he was pointing and ... turn to Sasuke.

Sasuke inwardly roll his eyes, he knows Itachi already sense him and just refused to acknowledge his presence, Sasuke stood behind Orochimaru. Sasuke continues to glare hardly at Itachi, hoping it would put an hole on his porcelain pale face.

"Sasuke-kun, your brother has been waiting for you for a while now. Where were you?." Orochimaru questioned, Sasuke immediately panicked.

Well, shit. Do I need to tell them the truth? ... or I'm going to lie? ...”

"Nothing ... I decided to have some walk and have some fresh air ...?" Sasuke whispered, and curse himself because of the unsureness on his voice.

Sasuke quietly cleared his throat, trying to compose himself, "You summoned, Orochimaru-sama?." Sasuke asked with a time that could be considered with respect.

In Sasuke's peripheral vision ... he saw Itachi smirking, same goes for his blonde partner. The younger Uchiha's eyes twitch, as he slowly grew irritated. “What's their problem?.” Sasuke felt like they were mocking him.

When Itachi noticed Sasuke had saw him staring and even smirking, He put his usual bored expression back.

"Ah yes ... I ordered Karin to fetch you because ... As you can see, Itachi-kun is here and looking for you ... he said he needs to tell you something important ... I'm going to give you three some privacy ..." Orochimaru excused himself, while they watch the Sannin retreat only for Orochimaru to face Sasuke again.

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