𝕵𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖚̄𝖗𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖗𝖐𝖘

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Chapter 13 :
Jinchūriki Quirks

UNCOMFORTABLE silence was present between Naruto and Sasuke while they walked through the dark hall. Their heavy footsteps can be heard once in a while.

Is he mad?.” Naruto thought while he watches Sasuke grumbling something he couldn't understand.

When they had finally arrived at Sasuke's room, Naruto waited for Sasuke to put back the chains on his ankle but Sasuke just sat on his bed, still looking pissed.

"Sasuke ... aren't you going to put the chains on me?."

Sasuke look up to face Naruto, the frown on his face slowly disappearing. Sasuke shook his head, "No ... I won't ... it's not like Orochimaru is here." He excuse.

"But what if he - "

"Just leave it be, Dobe. Come here." Sasuke said his tone was gentle but also stern enough for Naruto to know not to disobey him.

Naruto sighed, and went to Sasuke. When he was infront of the Uchiha, the said Uchiha patted the space behind him signaling the confused Jinchūriki to sit beside him.

Naruto was surprised when he felt Sasuke slowly pushed him, and made him lay down, “What the heck - ?!” Naruto was stunned. He didn't know to do, Sasuke slowly crawl and sat ontop of him, “Should I push him away?.”

He surely don't want to upset Sasuke more, but, Sasuke's odd actions was starting to make him feel uncomfortable. Sasuke stare down at the poor confused orange ninja below him, slightly feeling triumphant when he saw Naruto blushing.

Slowly, Sasuke leaned down to Naruto, making Naruto panic but Sasuke keep him in place. Putting both of his hands on Naruto's arm, Sasuke was basically strangling him.

Naruto then tightly closed his eyes, waiting something to happen ...

He literally jolted when he felt Sasuke hugging him, Naruto can feel hot breathes on his neck, slightly taunting him. Tan fingers then hesitantly wrapped around Sasuke's back, Naruto was not even sure if he could hug Sasuke.

They stay like that for a while, Sasuke enjoying Naruto's warmth, their bodies pressing together. And Naruto don't feel uncomfortable anything, maybe just a bit.

Sasuke then slowly fall beside Naruto, but he still didn't remove his arms around the other's body. The Uchiha's slender pale fingers unconsciously went to Naruto soft blond locks, gently playing with it. Making Naruto feel sleepy, he didn't know his scalp is sensitive - maybe because he resemble a fox. Having Kurama sealed inside him.

"Naruto ... Your birthday is October tenth, right?" Sasuke croaked, " Uhm ... yes." Naruto confusedly replied, "Why is he suddenly asking my birthday?."

Sasuke let out a quiet chuckle and muttered, "Come on, Naruto. Cuddle with me, I could feel your body tensing." Sasuke pointed out and looked up to see Naruto's flushed face.

Sasuke then pointed at the whiskered cheeks and say, "You're blushing."

"Why are you suddenly acting so clingy? You're being weird, ya know ... " Naruto whispered, feeling embarrassed because his bright cheeks.

A scowl was suddenly appeared on Sasuke's face, his eyes glaring hardly at Naruto. Sasuke only want to comfortably lay in the bed with the only person he'd ever allow within fifty feet of the structure, but it seems like the said person does not feel the same. "Do you not like it?." The raven Uchiha question.

"I do like hugs but - "

"Then shut up." Sasuke hushed him off, and bury his face on Naruto's neck, "Earlier, you said your birthday is October tenth, Konoha annually celebrate Kitsune Festival every October tenth, do they not?."

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