𝕰𝖘𝖈𝖆𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑

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Chapter 16 :
Escaping Hell

MASTER sped through the forest, basically running. His hair being gracefully tied up in a high ponytail, he was obviously in a hurry as one of his men told him that Danzo is here and asking for him..

"Danzo-sama ..." Master greeted while bow his head in respect, Danzo slowly turn around and grunted acknowledging the other's presence.

"Where is he?." Danzo asked and walked past him, Master silently follow him from behind. "He's with one of my men."

Danzo didn't said anything and just motioned Master to take him to the boy, as he stared at the distance, he began to wonder.

If it's really him ... Then the experiment was successful? I doubt it. He was dead, there's no way he survived that much pain —”

Danzo immediately went alerted when he saw Master sitting on the floor, his knees bent inward. His entire body was literally shaking, he was looking forward, a hand over his mouth as he clearly tried not to vomit. He swallowed audibly, while he furiously shake his head.

"Monster!." Master exclaimed while he accusingly pointed inside the room, Danzo got curious, he wanted to know what was so terrifying over there. He cautiously entered the door, he was ready if someone might attack him. Danzo froze when he heard something squished, he had step on something slimy.

Danzo slowly lift his food, he heard Master scream outside, before hearing a loud thud. The bastard fainted. He paid no attention on him, he continues to look on the squished white thing under his sandal.

He had step on an eye, he felt disgusted and reeled back away from the organ.

There's only one person who has the stomach to do such thing, “Shin ...” Danzo whispered.

Danzo then started to walk inside, a Kunai was on his hands just in case. Inside, Danzo saw the most gruesome thing a human could do. No, the one who did this shouldn't be considered as human, Master was right. The one who did this is a monster.

There on the floor was Scar ... Well, what was left of him.

Scar is Master's apprentice, Master was the one who named him Scar because of the huge scar on his left eye.

Scar's eyes were both missing, and it looked like he was crying tears of blood by the way it streaked on his cheeks. His mouth was wide open, a huge scissors was shoved down to his throat.

"Did you like my art?." Danzo jolted while point his Kunai on the dark figure hiding inside the shadows.

"That's my latest masterpiece."

"If my brother called himself an artist by doodling on a piece of paper ... Then I consider myself an artist too ... You know, I love to study and exploring the art of human body ..." The Tall figure said while he sharpen a knife that he probably he used to make his art.

Say, Danzo ... Don't you ever wonder what Human flesh would taste like?.” The figure said while slowly revealing himself.

It's really you ... You're alive ...”

Naruto was sitting cross legs on the floor, his three clones surrounding him. He was asking for an advice. If he should escape and leave Sasuke here, or should he just stay here and wait for someone to rescue him and he would certainly bring Sasuke with him.

"Just break that chakra binder so Sasuke and you could escape together." A clone infront of Naruto said.

Before Naruto could even reply, his other clone interjected.

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