Chapter 11

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Everything he was saying was going in one ear and out the other.

"How did you know where she lived..never mind stupid question. " Zanna or Zane could have told him not to mention the fact he's the most powerful nigga in the city of Detroit.

I wanted to run back home. I wasn't ready to face my mother , her interrogation and criticism.

Jacoby got out opening my door helping me out then grabbed Janae from the backseat.

I was beginning to panic. Don't get me wrong I love my mother but I've been avoiding her for a reason. Now this idiot has brought me to her.

"Why are you sweating this? You don't want me to meet your moms?" He asked with Janae holding his hand while he snaked his other arm around me kissing my lips.

I hate to sound cliche and all but damn he just kissed all my problems away. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and his thick tongue played with mine. Janae started to make noises so we pulled away and smiled at her.

I took her from Jacoby and started to walk up mothers cobblestone porch. I feel like I can take on the world when Jacoby does things like that.

Jacoby knocked on the door and we waited until my sister opened the door. I hugged her and went to find my mother. Which wasn't hard at all just follow the smell of food.

We found her in the kitchen with something on every eye of the stove, something in the crock pot and something in the microwave. It smelled so good. My mama was in the zone listening to her Whitney Houston.

I couldn't help but laugh at how horribly she pitched the high note on saving all my love.

"Mamaaaaa" I said after turning the music down and trying to stop Janae from climbing out my arms to go to Jacoby. My mother turned around and got wide eyed.

"That's why it took you so long to see me" I looked at her because I was really confused and didn't know what the hell she was talking about. I remained quiet so she could finish. "You had a baby" She said looking at Janae in my arms.

I busted out laughing. I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. I made so much noise Janae started laughing with me. Then Zane and Zanna come in looking confused.

When I finally got my laughter down my mother and everyone else in the room was staring at me.

"What's so funny in here?" Zanna asked. I turned to her and pointed at mama.

"She thought I had Janae, please tell this woman I don't know the first thing about taking care of a baby",I said looking from my sister to my mom.

"Actually you take very good care of Janae, so I don't know what you mean by that" Jacoby said sitting at the island table. I don't even know when he got over there.

"I know she does its all over the block, rumors that it's her baby and other nonsense, but I'm sorry son my rude daughter didn't introduce us I'm Mama Danielle" She plucked the side of my head and went around to hug Jacoby.

"Mama quit listening to these streets your not in them anymore and well you acted like y'all been friends for years " I said sitting between Zanna and Jacoby. I nodded at Zane and said wassup.

I counted the plates and spoon sets. "Mama there is one too many plates set." She started laughing and shook her head.

"No there's not I also brought a date" As soon as mama said it Zanna started choking on her kool-aid.

"You brought a date? Mama I didn't even know you were dating" I said sipping my fresh made tea.

"If you came around or called you might have known..You too Zanna" She said in her defense.

I didn't even have a slick comeback. I just got up and started setting food on the table. I heard the doorbell ring and my mother ran to get it. I sat down next to Jacoby and he rubbed my thigh. Janae was slowly falling asleep in his arms.

"Everyone this is Lamont" My mother reemerged with a tall nice looking man. "These are my twin daughters Zanna and Alanna and their boyfriends Zane and Jacoby" she introduced us and sat beside Jacoby and Lamont sat beside her.

My mother was glowing. We all made small talk and started eating.

"Well this is a better time than any" Zane stood from the table sweating like bullets. We all looked at him and just stared. "Would y'all like to go to the Bahamas with me and Zanna?" He asked.

Zanna gasped and looked up at him. "Zane I didn't even know we were going to the Bahamas Oh my God baby" She jumped up and hugged his neck. I looked at Jacoby and he was staring at Zane shaking his head.

I nudged him to see why he was giving him the look. "So we're all going to the Bahamas it looks like" Jacoby said.

I need more characters

But yaaasss a trip to the Bahamas.

Sounds nice... maybe

Dedicated to CookieMoster1997 RocRoyalWifey14 Thank you ladies for all the votes and feedback you go girls

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