Chapter 4

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Dark, curly brunette hair rolling past her shoulders tucked under a thick warm knit beanie, emerald green eyes, a mouth that either smiles wide like a saucer or purses sour into an infinite speck. Freckles, soft delicate wide cheeks. Thick cotton everything. She was dressed for a coffee shop and she did it well.

Charlotte looked up as I walked towards her, checking me with a healthy dose of skepticism. Each step felt infinite.

Those eyes.

You just met her.



"Mister Barista." She studied my nervousness. "...Syd."

This was it. The opportunity for a real conversation. And of all people, with this girl. This Charlotte. I could only pretend this was not something completely different for me.

Don't just stand there. Make conversation... bro.

"Shall I sit?" It immediately hit me how inane that question was. Charlotte obliged, showing the empty seat across from her.

"Well there is an empty seat that could use a warm body."

She was playing with me already. Charlotte knew what I was. Right in position to tear me to pieces. I sat down in the empty chair, relaxing my composure into the hardwood frame. It was hard and cold.


"So how's the drink I made you?"

Charlotte critically eyed her coffee cup. "I'm not too crazy about the extra espresso this late in the day. But the mocha and marshmallow? GAME CHANGER."

I nodded, relieved at her appraisal. "I guess the 'Charlotte' will actually be light on the espresso then."

"We'll see next time if I come in in the morning." She took another sip then dipped the fat marshmallow into the dark, frothy haze.

"Yeah, that's what I was wondering... I've never seen you here before. Are you new in town?"

"Yup. Just moved here. For school. Because that's what you do."

"Where from?"

"Portland. Or outside Portland. You know, those parts where if you said the name of the town, no one would know where you're talking about. So I just say Portland."

"Nice, there's a lot going on in Portland."

Charlotte shrugged. "Wouldn't know. I didn't actually go there much. And now that I'm here... guess it's all the same I suppose."

"Well it's pretty quiet here. Aside from the college kids from Smyth. It's pretty average for a small city."

"Great, I should fit right in." She smirked coyly. I couldn't help but feel her modesty. The way she could understate something and use her face to tell you it wasn't true. There was an art to her behavior.

"What have you been doing since you got here?"

"Not much... pretty much just got here. The semester started. So it's been classes. Walks. Coffee." She shook her cup.

"Okay, that's about 80% of what you can do here. You pretty much already got the full tour."

She laughed and her smile grew. Wide as saucers with those cheeks. I wanted to see that happen again and again.

"That's discouraging..."

"Yeah, I know all about that. But... I think it makes a big difference when you do those things with somebody."

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