Chapter 8

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Do, do, do, do... do, do...
Ah honey, honey...
Do, do, do, do... do, do...
You are my candy girl,
And you got me wanting you...'

The next morning felt like staring into a still life masterpiece when I woke. Like a painting hung up at the museum, a frozen moment in time that was meant to be special, meant to last forever. It was beautiful, like birds singing, like a baby's giggle, like the moment after a person's life is saved. You can only look on and bask in that glow. The glow that felt like everything was right in the world. It just hung in my room like a decoration. Softly in the air, it hung, flowed, and vibrated right through me.

This is your life now, Syd. Enjoy it.

It didn't matter that I wouldn't be seeing Charlotte today. She told me Mondays were yet again, another day full of class 'up the ass'. But even after she left, her essence still stayed with me, laying next to me, her spiritual body warming my soul. It was like she was all around me all the time and it was only a matter of me sticking my fingers into her honeypot. All you wanted to do was lick it and enjoy the honey.

Another thing I was looking forward to was that I would be coming back to work again at Kola's. It was warming to think of seeing Jamal and even Ross again. It's been so long ago; not since I started seeing Charlotte. Even that last day of work felt so alien in the distant time. Everything that had happened since has made that day feel like it wasn't me there all along. That Syd was gone. I would be coming back to work a brand new person. Jamal could see it the moment I walked in the door.

"Yo, what's up bro?" He had a silly look on his face, like he was stunned and waiting to hear what I had to say. "Something 'bout you, man. C'mon, spill it."

I felt a profound confidence and energy behind my words. It was like I was orating to a crowd and every ear perked up in the distance.

"You remember how I told you about Charlotte, right?"

Jamal nodded, imploring me to continue.

"Well, it has absolutely been the most fucking fantastic thing in my life since we met. Everything has just felt like an awakening. Life is the most beautiful thing handed to us and I can feel every ounce of that beauty. And the fact I can look at that beauty in her eyes, cradle that beauty in my hands, feel her body take over mine... death itself would not scare me because I have already found heaven."

Jamal nodded through my speech, processing the details. His goofy grin never subsided. He watched me in awe, sharing the energy that exuded out of me, perhaps even a little envious.

"Damn bro. That sounds intense. Shit... so uh, you got yourself a taste of that cookie jar, huh?"

I smiled and laughed at him, playing coy the way Charlotte would. "What do you mean, bro?"

Jamal laughed and shook his head. "C'mon, Syd. You know what I mean. You gotta know. You did man. I can tell you did. Fuckin' ay..." He approached me, offering a fist bump. His eyes still anticipating that I would admit to it outright.

"Well, ya know. Guess that's all part of checking into the Garden of Eden..."

Jamal laughed again, showing off a sense of pride with me. "My boy..."

We moved around behind the counter, getting the bar ready. I asked him about his girl.

"What about you, Jamal? I remember you were talking about... having a little sugar honey yourself last time? How's that going?"

"Ah man..." Jamal shook his head. "I don't know, man. She confusing."

"How so?" I was genuinely interested in what happened between them.

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