Chapter Twenty-Six

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The group had found a town nearby. The streets bustled with life, and Orzala still found herself in awe. To see so many people of different cultures and lifestyles was exhilarating. Though, she could do without the thugs that kept glancing their way.

Aang slipped away from the group, and Orzala raised an eyebrow but didn't mention it. Besides, Katara and Sokka were too focused on other things to care, and she was sure that the avatar wouldn't wander far. "So, what exactly are we looking for?" The princess asked, making Sokka cast a glance back to her.

"Well, food is the obvious answer," he stated, and she giggled quietly. He shrugged, fighting off the small smile that threatened to dance on his lips. "Other than that, probably healing supplies, because let's be honest, Zala: you get hurt a lot." The girl feigned a gasp, whacking him upside the head.

"If your asses would stop getting into trouble, I wouldn't have to save you every time and I wouldn't get hurt." He went to argue but stopped upon realizing that she was right. Kind of. Instead, Sokka huffed, earning yet another giggle from the princess.

Aang reappeared by her side, and she shot him a silent glance as Sokka walked into a shop. The avatar flashed her an innocent smile.

"Ok, we have exactly three copper pieces left from the money that King Bumi gave us. Let's use it wisely," Sokka told them as he exited the shop. He shouldered a bag that was stuffed with food, and flashed the others an expectant look. Aang greeted him sheepishly.

"Actually, Sokka, make that two copper pieces. I just couldn't say no to this whistle!" The boy whipped out a small bison shaped whistle, and Orzala's jade eyes bulged.

"Aang, you've got to be kidding me."

The airbender shook his head, taking a deep breath and blowing into the piece excitedly. Sokka frantically covered his ears, but he frowned when no sound was heard. "It doesn't even work!" Aang peeked an eye open, finally stopping to take a breath when he realized the boy was right. Momo chirped beside him, looking at Aang skeptically. "See? Even Momo thinks it's a piece of junk."

"No offense, Aang, but I'll hold the money from now on." The airbender sighed, reluctantly handing the money over to Katara. Orzala shot him a look, but wrapped an arm around his shoulder and walked on.

"A bison whistle? Seriously?" He only shrugged. She shook her head, shoving him away playfully. "Oh well. Maybe it'll come in handy." He gave her a small grin. As they approached the harbor, Orzala noticed a man watching them closely.

"Earth Nation, Fire Nation, Water Nation!" He bellowed, walking toward them slowly. Orzala tensed, but the others paid it no mind, walking on without a care. "So long as bargains are your inclination, you're welcome here! Don't be shy, come on by!" The man frowned as they began to pass, quickly rushing toward them and cutting them off.

"I can see from your clothing that you're world travelling types!" The man exclaimed, his gaze focusing on Aang in particular. "Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?" The boy lit up.

"Sure! What are curios?" Orzala stepped up beside Aang, narrowing her eyes dangerously at the man before her. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm not entirely sure," he confessed, making the princess scowl, "but we got 'em!" The man reached forward, wrapping an arm around the airbender's shoulders and walking toward his ship. He paused, however, and flashed Orzala a dangerous smirk.

The raven-haired girl was on high alert as they entered the cargo hold of the ship, green gaze examining every corner with scrutiny. Something in her gut was telling her that this man was no ordinary merchant. The others seemed to have no such thoughts, though, as they wandered aimlessly around, wide-eyed as they viewed each new item.

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