Chapter Thirty-Six

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The earth squished under their feet as they trod on, and Orzala felt her excitement grow with every step. While she didn't necessarily believe in fortune-telling and whatnot, a certain thrill was building in her chest at the thought something may come true. Katara was far more excited than the princess, though, blue eyes darting around the village in search of the mysterious Aunt Wu.

The younger girl squealed when she spotted the old woman's hut, grabbing Orzala by the hand and dragging her along. The doorkeeper greeted them with a smile. "Aunt Wu has been expecting you," he told them, making Katara's eyes grow wide.

"Really?" The younger breathed, clasping her hands together as Orzala rolled her eyes. The man nodded, pushing the doors open so the four friends could enter. Sokka scoffed behind them, earning an irritated look from his sister.

They were greeted with silence, and Orzala's eyes immediately swept the room with caution. Her guard fell quickly, however, as a little girl rounded the corner with her head bowed.

"My name is Meng, and I'm Aunt Wu's assistant," she told them before her gaze fixated on Aang. The princess stifled a giggle at the child's love-struck look, nudging Sokka to gain his attention. The boy turned to her with a pout, attempting to rub the pain from his arm as he followed Orzala's gaze. His lips curled up into a wry smile. "Well, hello there," the girl cooed, and this time Orzala couldn't hold her laughter. A small snort escaped her lips and she threw a quick hand up to cover the noise. That didn't stop the glare shereceived from Meng.

Aang was completely oblivious. He only rubbed his nose, returning the greeting with boredom.Meng motioned them toward the seats, dark eyes following the airbender's every move. "Can I get you some tea or some of Aunt Wu's special bean curd puffs?"

"I'll try a curd puff!" Sokka interjected. Meng waved a disinterested hand his way, ignoring his request as she knelt in front of Aang.

"So, what's your name?"


"That rhymes with Meng!"

"It also apparently rhymes with desperate," Orzala muttered to Sokka, and the boy had to bite his cheek to keep himself from laughing.

"You've got some pretty big ears, don't cha?" The girl asked, and Aang's eyebrows flew upward. He grasped his ears self-consciously, shaking his head.

"I-I guess so...?"

"Don't be modest! They're huge!" Sokka taunted, and Orzala delivered a quick elbow to his ribs. She shook her head at Aang as he turned toward them wearing an irritated expression.

"Your ears are fine, honey." That didn't stop the boy from rubbing them once more, anxiety growing on his features. The princess whipped toward Sokka as Aang turned away, a dangerous glare in her eyes. The elder boy shrunk back in fear.

"Well, Aang, it was very nice to meet you. Very nice," Meng drawled, bowing to the boy before exiting. 


Once she had gone, Sokka fell back with a grunt. "I can't believe we're here in the house of nonsense." He pursed his lips as Orzala raised an eyebrow, pointing an accusing finger toward her. "You're supposed to be the voice of reason, princess. You're supposed to back me up, not my little sister." The girl scoffed.

"Try to have an open mind, Sokka," Katara interceded, shaking her head at her brother."There are things in this world that just can't be explained. Wouldn't it be nice to have some insight into your future?"

"It would be nice to have some bean curd puffs," he quipped, earning an eyeroll from both of the girls. Orzala went to scold him, but she was interrupted when a woman emerged from the reading room.

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