Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Ughhhhhhhh." Sokka flashed an irritated look at Orzala as she let out another loud groan. The princess sat on top of Appa, hanging upside down from his saddle. "I'm so boreddddd."

"Would you cut it out?" The boy snapped, making the others giggle. His gaze snapped to them quickly, icy eyes narrowing dangerously at the two. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing," Aang told him innocently. "It's just you and Orzala seem to have switched personalities today." Sokka jaw fell, his eyes darting back and forth between Aang and Orzala. He pouted, throwing a finger up toward the girl as he turned back to Aang.

"I have never been that annoying!" Orzala pulled herself up onto the saddle, raising an eyebrow at the Water Tribe boy. 

"Annoying, huh?" His eyes widened, and he clapped a hand over his mouth. Before he could retort, however, a loud screech echoed through the forest. The group paused, looking around their area. Orzala furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed a certain lemur was missing. "Guys, that sounded a lot like-"

"Where's Momo?" Aang cried, cutting her off. The boy shot up, dashing off in the direction of the sound. Orzala let out a sigh, sliding off of Appa to follow. They followed the noises until they came upon some traps. "Hang on, Momo!" Aang called, airbending himself up to the cage and lowering it down. 

Katara and Sokka quickly opened the cage, and Momo sprang free, fruit in hand. Sokka facepalmed at the animal. As Aang landed beside them, the other animals began grunting, and he sighed. "Alright. You, too." He bent himself up once more, but Sokka shook his head. 

"This is gonna take forever." He pulled out his boomerang and threw it, slicing through the cage ropes before Aang could reach them. The airbender frowned.

"That works, too." As Aang slid down the trunk, Orzala bent to observe the traps. A small gasp left her, and she motioned Sokka over quickly.

"Look at these," she breathed, pointing out the make of the traps. The boy frowned beside her.

"These are Fire Nation traps," he told the others as he ran his fingers along the material. "You can tell by the metalwork. We'd better pack up camp and get moving." Orzala nodded in agreement, her fingers drifting to her side. The burn wound had begun to heal nicely, but that didn't mean she wanted to have a run-in with firebenders any time soon. She needed a break, to be honest.

They returned to camp and packed in silence. Once packed, Orzala let out a huff, plopping down beside her bag. She cocked an eyebrow as Katara began passing a bag up to Aang. "Guys-" 

"Nuh-uh," Sokka called, rushing between the two and grabbing the bag. "No flying this time."

"What?" Aang's eyes bulged. "Why wouldn't we fly?"

"Think about it. Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable."

"What? Appa's not too noticeable."

"Katara, he's a ten-ton flying fuzzball with an arrow on his head. Your brother is right, he is pretty noticeable."

"Exactly! It's kind of hard to miss him!" Appa growled at Sokka, and Aang patted the creature's head in reassurance.

"Sokka's just jealous because he doesn't have an arrow." The eldest boy huffed, throwing up his hands and looking at Orzala in frustration.

"I know you all want to fly, but my instincts tell me that we should play it safe this time and walk." The princess snorted, quickly covering her face as Sokka looked at her with an exasperated frown. She blinked innocently at him as Katara walked up beside him. 

The Jaded Princess - A Sokka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now