Hey Im Anna :)

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Ag's POV

"okay see you later" i said to my friend mia as i got into my car to leave school. it was a very long day, i had a long basketball practice and i was just ready to go home and take a cold shower.

i get home and take a nice shower. i put on my usual comfy clothes and get ready for a nap when i hear my phone buzz. i pick it up and see

TikTok//  annabananaxdddd: followed you

hmm, whatever. i never seen that user before so i just figured it was just another follower.

2hours later

"ag! time for dinner!" yells ag's mom from downstairs. "uh yeah coming mom!" yelled ag. she gets up and grabs her phone as she smells the amazing scent of pizza. ah! pizza night! she almost forgot.

"hey kiddo, it's pizza night. grab a slice, i got your favorite, pineapple bacon." said ag's mom as she got downstairs. "thanks mom". she said.

*buzz* *buzz*
TikTok//  annabananaxdddd messaged you

"thanks for dinner mom, imma head to bed, goodnight" ag said while heading to bed.

Ag's POV

I did my usual phone check before going to bed. first snapchat, only a few notifications, then instagram, then tiktok. i decided to check my messages. i see the anna user messaged me. hmm. i wonder who this is. i click the message.

6:39pm: hey :) i saw a few of your videos,
you are quiet the stud aren't you?

6:41pm: woah i'm sorry i came off
a little strong i'm sorry. ah

6:43pm: you know what i'm just gonna
go. haha okay

well that was kinda weird. i click her user to see who this girl is. as soon as i click my heart falls to my stomach. holy shit! she's hot! and she was a little over a million followers. how did she even find me?! okay i'm gonna follow her back now!

just as i was stalking her page i get another message from her.

7:13pm: oh so you are gonna follow
me but not message me back?

   I decide to answer her back

                                                     7:15pm oh uh hey!
                      im sorry, i'm kinda just, i'm awe of you!

7:17pm: no problem. i'm in awe as well

7:18pm: anyways i'm anna. anna shumate.
but you can call me boon.

            7:19p: well hello anna. i'm anna
but call me ag.

7:20pm: ag, damn that's a hot name.
i can get with that

                 7:21pm: haha well can i get your number?

7:22pm: sure it's 333-555-3333

i decide to message anna personally to see if it's really her

boon 🔥🍵

                                                                      hey :)

boon 🔥🍵                                                                      hey :)

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i send her a picture of me laying in bed, in hopes she sends one back. 

well hey :)

                                     woah! you are just gorgeous!

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                                     woah! you are just gorgeous!

well thank you, you are too.
well i'd say hot rather than
gorgeous. but you are both.


A.N// hey guys! thanks for reading this first chapter! i know this was very short but i plan on providing long chapters and plenty of parts for you all. if you suggest what happens in the story i will do my best to make that happen. so please vote and comment!!

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