I Will Take Your Pain

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❗️ this chapter has subjects involving self harm. if you are sensitive to the subject please don't read❗️

anna's pov

here we were. again. the cold and still room. still cause no one knew what exactly to do. we just sat in silence. waiting for ag to get out of surgery. the doctor told us she has a chance of making it out. but once again, there was going to be some side effects and things she might have to live with forever.

it felt like hours waiting there. till she came in. still asleep from the anesthesia. the doctors moved her bed back in. we stand and wait for the doctor to speak.

"surgery went great. the bullet just missed some major arteries. she's lucky. a few inches and we wouldn't have been able to save her. but i do have to tell you we saw some previous wounds from possible surgery. has she had any past surgeries?" the doctor asked. "yes! she was assaulted last year and had two collapsed lungs, broken ribs and a major brain bleed causing a tbi. why? would that effect anything?" i told the doctor. i knew everything about ag i was there for it all.

"well i'm afraid the broken ribs shattered with the bullet. it all okay we just wanted to make sure what surgery she had before so we can check on her and make sure no new symptoms come up. but the ribs were repaired again and she will be fine." the doctor says.

we all feel relieved. my parents both stay with me for a little while longer till it was 10:30.

"anna, i think we should all go home. get some rest. we will come back in the morning." my dad tells me. "no it's okay. i want to stay here with her. she needs me." i tell them. i wanted to stay for when she woke up. i didn't want her to be alone for that. "okay honey. we will all be back in the morning." my parents and brothers then leave.

i was alone. waiting and waiting for ag to wake up. then i hear her "babe?" i jump up. "ag!" i say while grabbing her hand. "congrats graduate." she says and smiles at me. i lean down to give her a kiss. "she will pay ag. she will." i tell her. still in anger.

"i thought i was going to die. i thought i'd never live up to my promise." ag tells me. "you're a fighter my love. always have been." i tell her. she patts the empty space beside her. "come." she says. i lay next to her. she grabs my hand and i lean my head on her shoulder. she starts to play with my ring on my finger. "i'll always fight for you. i'll always fight to live up to my promises." she tells me. "i will to. and we will fight till she's gone for good." i then fall asleep hand in hand with ag. after this long stressful day i fell asleep quick.

ag's pov

anna fell asleep next to me. i couldn't sleep cause i had just woken up. but i started to feel weird. my chest started to hurt. i figures it was just the surgery wound. so i pushed the button to up my pain meds. i felt the meds go through my veins.

a few minutes pass and i still feel a sharp pain in my chest. i let go of anna's hand to feel for what my pain was.

i unbandaged my chest and instantly saw blood. i stand up and grab my iv bag. anna was still sleeping and i didn't want to wake her. i head to a nurse but the further i walked i started to feel dizzy. i felt a pain again. then i coughed and blood flew into my hand. then i fell. it went black.


ag fell to the floor right at the doorway of her room. anna still asleep didn't hear a thing. a doctor sees ag fall and start to bleed on the floor.

"get me a gurney!!" she says while picking ag up. she accessed ag and notice she was going to need a blood transfusion, a NG tube and surgery to find where the bleeding is coming from.

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