The Big Day

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it's been a few months since the party. Anna's graduation was coming up so i decided to book a flight. she didn't know i was coming. i told her i couldn't make it. but i missed her so much i had to go.

i book the flight and i leave tomorrow. i got up and went to the mall to get her a present. i wanted to get her a promise ring. i knew the last ring i gave her was just a simple gift so i wanted this ring to be  bigger and better.

i grab my keys and head out. as i get in my car i get a text. it was from mahua. it had a image attached. i quickly open it and see a picture of me half naked in my bed. what the fuck. when was this?

i read what she said.

mahua: if i see you at anna's graduation this will be leaked and i will tell them you cheated on anna with me. don't play with me ag. don't even try.

what the fuck. i never cheated on her. i know i was drunk and high but this couldn't have happened at the party, did it?

i text her back quickly.

ag: mahua i never cheated on her and she knows that. stop fucking around with my love life and go find yourself someone who would actually love you ass.

mahua: i already did, i just have to get her to realize the person she's with is a mistake. don't test me ag.

after i read that i knew she was talking about anna. she's been trying to get with her this whole time. i couldn't miss the biggest day of anna's life but i also didn't want anything to go wrong. i also couldn't tell her cause then i'd ruin the surprise.

i just let it go and proceed to the mall.

time skip. i arrived at the airport in michigan and i was so excited to see anna. i rented a car so i could go to her house and leave right after her graduation. before mahua found out i was there.

i knock on her door hoping to see anna. it was her mom. she was in shock. "oh my gosh ag." she brought me into a hug. "how are you? i'm sorry what happens to you last year. i'm glad you are okay." she tells me. i laugh. "does anna know you are here?" i nod no and she tells me "i'll keep quiet, she's upstairs in her room, go ahead."

i walk in and head upstairs. i knock at the door. "come on mom!" i hear her beautiful voice. i decided not to answer so she could come to the door. "mom come in!" she answered again. i then hear her sigh and head to the door.

"mom why you gotta be like this, i said come—" she was in shock and couldn't finish her sentence. "hey" i said smiling. she jumped into my arms and began to cry. "how are you here? you said you couldn't come!" i set her down and walk to her bed. "i know i lied. i can't miss your big day! my baby is graduating!" i say and kiss her.

time skip

it was the next day and today was anna's graduation day. we got up early to go to breakfast and chill before her eventful day.

we ate our food and i decided to tell her i won't be staying long.

"hey so, i gotta go back home tonight. my mom is back in town and she wants me home. after you graduate i gotta go. i'm sorry." i tell her with a sad tone.

"no baby. please stay. my grad party is tomorrow and i want you to meet all my friends and family." she says grabbing my hands from across the table.

"i can't anna. i'm sorry." i tell her. why did i fucking do it? why am i listening to mahua. i shouldn't be scared but i am. she put me in a hospital once. i don't want that to happen again.

i raise my hand and say "check please" and i tell anna. "i'm really sorry babe. i wish i could. you'll just have to come visit me then." i try to brighten the mood. she just smiles and puts her head down.

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