Hey Loser

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Anna's POV

ag and i had been talking for a few weeks now and had start to feel really close to her. we have had late night facetime calls and very long text messages and snapchats since the day we started talking.

for some reason i get really bold with ag. although i've never been with or thought of a girl like this before i'm very comfortable around ag.

it's friday night so we have our scheduled friday night netflix party. we set up our zoom calls with nextflix so we can watch gossip girl together. things were going great.


"hey loser" said ag to me as i answer the zoom call. my face gets a flush of warmth and as usual a dark shade of red when i see her. "hey loser" i say back and smile. "how was your day boon?" "well it was good, it's been a pretty stressful week but i'm just glad i get to see you every night after a long day." i told her. "hey are you going to playlist?" ag asked me.

woah! playlist! i've always wanted to go but never could afford the whole trip. i am older now so maybe i could get a job to save up for it. "uh i'm not sure, it seems pretty expensive." i say to ag. she looks at me and smiles. what is she smiling for? "what?! what's that smile for" "haha nothing loser let's just watch the show now." she says. i put it on.

Ag's POV

"-it seems pretty expensive." anna says. i think to myself and smile. "what? what's that smile for?" i tell her it's nothing but had just realized i had an extra ticket for playlist. flight and everything. my mom told me if i didn't find a friend to go with me then she'd go, but if not the ticket is for whoever i want to take.

i decided to keep the extra ticket a secret till i can figure out how to surprise anna.

1 week later

                        boon 🔥🍵

hey loser are you busy?

no i'm not why?

                                                         can you call me?

yeah sure. is everything okay?

                                                      just call me please

i had told anna to call me and i planned to tell her i won't have my phone for a few days cause i'm grounded. although i'm not. i booked a flight to see her for 4 days. the plan was to see her, tell her about playlist and leave with her from her house to florida. so i'd be spending almost 2 weeks with boon. my flight is in 2 hours. i called her mom and her parents were okay with me staying with them and taking her on this fully paid trip.

"hey ag what's up? she says as i answer her call. i act sad. "hey so, i got grounded for a stupid reason and i won't be able to text you or call you for a few days. my mom is taking my phone away." "what the hell did you get in trouble for?" "it's nothing. but i gotta go, she's coming to my room. bye" and i hung up. i start to laugh as i put my phone down. this is gonna be such a huge surprise!

Anna's POV

It was very weird. Ag never gets grounded. she must've done something very bad.

A few hours go by and i'm bored out of my mind. there is no one i can call or text or snapchat who is as fun or better than AG. i hear a knock at my door. "come in!" i hell. my mom walks in... "hey honey i'm going to the airport to pick up your uncle steve, he's going to be staying with us for a couple days. do you wanna come with me to get him?" my mom says. "sure, i have nothing better to do." i say as i was just bored out of my mind!!


My flight had just landed. i made it to michigan! as soon as i land i text anna's mom to let her know i'm here. i kept her update all day so she knew when to get me.

                           mrs. shumate 🌸
                                                                 just landed!

awesome! im here with anna.
we are at gate 2.

                                       sounds good! see you soon!

Mrs. Shumate's POV

Anna and i had just arrived to gate 2. AG text me letting me know she had just landed. Anna had been very busy on her phone lately with this new friend of hers AG. she seems to be more than a friend to me. us mothers know our kids all too well. but i'm never the mom to ask if she doesn't want to tell. whenever anna is comfortable telling me more about AG or if she feels anything towards her i know she will tell me over time.

i decide to say "i'll be right back stay here. i- i have a important phone call from work." Anna doesn't even pick up her face from her phone. "okay mom" i leave and text ag that she's alone by the gate, i'll be in the car.

Anna's POV

i'm waiting at the gate while my mom is on a work phone call. i was watching tiktoks when i got a text. from ag. what?! isn't she grounded?! i open the text.

                                      ag 👅
hey loser! look up :)

i look up and half way down the escalator i see her. it can't be!! my heart starts to race as i start to walk closer. it is her! she gets down the escalator and i run to her! we run into each others embrace and i just scream! "ahhh! what are you doing here?!" i say as my arms are around her neck and legs wrapped around her back. "well.." she says and smiles at me.


A.N/ i really really hope you all liked this chapter! enjoy the sweet parts while they last. there will be drama :)
please vote and comment what you want to see in the next chapter

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