You Get What You Deserve

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i woke up in pain. alone in the hospital bed. the nurse came in. "hey mrs mcdaniel. you are going to be just fine. your vitals came back strong and the surgery went well." she said to me.

i was wondering where anna was. so i asked. "uh have you seen my girlfriend anywhere? she was here when i went into surgery" the doctor looked down and stood quiet.

"what? what's wrong? where is she? did she leave?" i asked. "mrs. i'm sorry to tell you she's in the icu getting treaded for an overdose. we found her on the bathroom with no pulse. we were able to drain all the fluid built up in her heart and help her to keep her alive. she's getting treated at the moment but she hasn't woken up yet." the doctor tells me.

i begin to cry. why? why would she do this? did she think i was gone? did mahua do this to her? i was furious.

"can i please go see her. please." i cry out to the doctor.

"sure but you have to be very careful. you just got out of a major surgery." saod the female doctor as she grabs a wheelchair.

i got wheeled to anna's room. she was just 2 levels above me. as i got to the door i see her parents on the chairs crying. i make my way in and they stand up so fast. anna's mom comes to me and hugs me. "we are so glad to see you alive ag. i'm sorry any of this ever happened." i hug her back and pull away. i ask still confused, "what happened with anna? how did this happen?"

"did you not see her text?" anna's father asks me. "no- i dropped it at the graduation when i got punched to the floor." i say. her mom grabs her phone and gives it to me. "here. we will leave you two alone for a bit. i think you should read this."

they leave the room and i slowly move towards anna's bed. i see a long paragraph text to me from anna. i grab her hand and begin to read.

while reading i felt the worst pain ever. how could i let this happen? because i showed up at her graduation all this happened and all this pressure and pain was put on anna.

i finished reading and i couldn't stop crying. with the ring still on anna's finger i grab her hand and kiss it. i hold her tightly and pray. i've never been a religious person but i needed anything from any god or person or whatever to help her.

time skip

it had been three days and anna has yet to wake up. her vitals were fine but the pills till had a toll on her. her sleep was ongoing. the days felt so long waiting for her.

it reminded me to stay strong for her because what i had went through the past year she was there for it all. so i was going to be here for her. no matter what.

anna's pov

i felt someone grab my hand. i could hear talking but i wasn't sure where i was. i felt drowsy and cold. my eyes wouldn't open. i wasn't sure why.

i knew i wanted to but somehow my body wouldn't let me.

"please anna. i love you, and i want to marry you. and live my life with you till the end. so please anna. just give me a sign you are okay." i think it was ag. was she alive? or was i just crazy.

i pushed myself to wake up. i couldn't i wanted to. i then tried to squeeze her hand. i couldn't. i wasn't going to give up.

i try and try. till i hear her say "anna?! oh my god! anna" i heard her. no one else. she was probably alone. "nurse! she squeezed my hand!" she tells the nurse. i now knew it was for sure ag.

i had to try harder. i then felt saw light. slowly i squeeze my hand again. my eyes opened. "babe?" i say. "oh my god anna!" she then kissed me. i smile into the kiss.

"i missed you so much my love." i say to her. she starts to cry. "i thought i was going to lose you"

"i'm sorry. i thought i lost you. i wasn't going to be able to live a whole life without you." i told ag.

"babe. no matter if i'm here with you or not. i will always be in your heart no matter where i go." ag tells me.

she grabs my hand and looks at it. she smiles and says "i will love you forever anna. i promise. i will always keep my promise."

we stay in my room all night hand in hand.

time skip.

ag's pov

anna was getting out today. i was released 3 days ago before she woke up. we were both going to be okay. but mentally i think it would take a while for the both of us to feel safe.

the cops wanted us to go in a file a report. they knew who shot me and who had messed with me these past months. they knew where mahua was and they couldn't get her till we filed the report.

after we get out the police station the cops leave right away. i dropped anna off at her house and told her i had to go get something. she didn't think anything of it and i left.

next thing i know i was in front of mahua's house.  i walk to the door and knock.

she opens the door. i see that she had bruises and a cut on her face. she looked so beat.

"what do you want ag?" she says.

"listen mahua. you fucked my life up so many times. and i know everyone who puts people in pain is going through something themselves. that doesn't make anything you did right but i know that the reason you did any of this was because you just wanted to feel loved. but listen, you will pay for what you did. and i hope you realize what you did and how fucked up it was. i'm alive, i get a second chance! and i won't let that be ruined. i love anna. i love her endlessly. no one can change that. so mahua. goodbye. i hope you get the help and consequences you deserve." i then walk away.

"ag wait." i hear mahua say. i turn around and look at their crying.

she then speaks, " it was pyper. she did this to me. that's why i'm all beat up." i look at her confused. what is she trying to get out of this?

"what do you mean" i ask. "ag, pyper really cares about you. and she told me she is happy you are happy. she beat me and cried. she was sad you moved on but she was happy you found your person. she told me while beating me that i can't ruin that for you. so please, thank pyper. she's really happy for you and i think she's a very good friend." she says.

i look at her. and i think wow. pyper really did that for me? for us. anna and i? i loved that pyper can be happy for me no matter what. mahua then speaks again.

"are they coming for me?" she ask. i know she was talking about the cops.

"yeah. they are" i say. and just in que the sirens of the cop cars came down her street. the cops pull up to her house and run to her. putting her to the ground and cuffing her. they stand her up and tell her her rights. she cry's and looks straight into my eyes.

"i'm sorry for the pain i put you through ag. please tell anna i'm sorry." she says while they put her into the car.

that was it. it was over. i felt my shoulders fall in relief. i get into my car and head to annas house.

i get out and head to her room. she was sitting there.

i go up to her and kiss her passionately. she kisses me back. she pulls away. "what was that for?" she asks. "it's over. she's behind bars now" i tell her. she smiles and kisses me again.

i pull away and begin to speak.

"anna this is a new start for us. i know i say this a lot but i will love you forever. i can't wait to marry you anna. i can't wait to move in with you, i can't wait to raise beautiful kids of our own. i can't wait to grow old with you anna. i love you. i love you i love you!  i can't say it enough." i tell her.

we kiss and lay down together. finally in peace. back in each others arms. this was my happy place.

A/N: i hope you liked this chapter! i decided the next chapter will be the final one! be prepared. a lot is going to happen!! but promise! happy ending!! then i will continue on another story. a part two of this story! i love you all thanks for the support!  🤍🤍

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