The Spaces Between Us

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"ahh! what are you doing here?" anna yells in my ear while cradled around me. "well. i wanted to see the beautiful anna shumate before i leave to playlist." i say while smiling at her while she was still eye level with me as i carried her. she gets down, "yeah i'm still pissed i cant go. it's just too damn expensive, and my mom doesn't trust me to stay in a hotel alone." she says with a small frown. "hey it's okay, thats why im here. we can have all the fun together here in michigan."

"so you ready to go?" i ask anna as i wrap my arm around her shoulder. "no i can't, i'm waiting for my uncle, he's staying with us for a few days. he should be here by now. i'm not sure what's taking so long." anna says seriously. "anna fucking shumate i swear you are so stupid!" i say unable to keep in my laughter. "what?!" she says slapping my shoulder. i can't stop laughing. she really thinks her uncle is coming. "what?!" she says again. "anna! your mom made that up to get you to the airport dummy!" i say finally able to speak.  we both laugh it off and head out the airport.

Anna's POV

We get back to my house and i introduce my whole family to AG. she walked in so confidently and shook everyone's hand including my stepdad. she's very good with parents. i know this cause shes told me plenty of times before. "so ag we have an extra guest bedroom for you to stay in, it has a empty closet and a bathroom connected to it so you should be all good. Anna would you show her the room please." Mrs shumate says so kindly. "Sure cmon ag." i say while i grab her arm and head upstairs.

"so this is your room, i'm sure you won't be spending much time in here but you know, you can shower and get dressed or whatever else you want to do in my room. same difference right?" i tell her being kinda bold. "wow, anna, you a way bolder in person!" ag tells me while she smiles with her gum half out her mouth. i always loved when she did that. it was so hot and now seeing her do that in person!!! well let me just say, H WORD!!

"so before we go on with our day can we talk real quick." ag tells me and my heart drops. what does she want to talk about? what if it's about us, what if she wants to express her feelings? im not sure if i'm ready to do that yet. i take a deep breath and say "uh yeah sure." she walks into the guest room and i follow her inside. i close the door behind us and lock it. i sit on the bed and ag puts her bags down. she puts them all down but her backpack. she comes to the bed and sits near me. as she faces me she begins to speak "so anna i know you are probably wondering the real reason i'm here, and i really want to make my time here as best as i possibly can." she takes off her backpack and sets it on her lap. "i know you really wanted to go to playlist this yeah and you can't. but i just want to show you how much you deserve to go, so i-" she starts to unzip her backpack and began to pull out a lanyard. i start to readout what the lanyard says. i look up at her in shock and she finally pulls them out. "you are going to playlist with me." she says with a big smile. i scream and hug her so tight.

"no way!! ag you didn't!!" i say still in shock. "i did" she says. "ag what?! how, what?! playlist is in like 3 days how did you even get this last minute?" "i didn't, i've had an extra ticket for a while now i just wasn't sure who to take, but i met you and i just knew"

god as if she wasn't perfect already. i stare at her and just sit there in awe of how perfect and beautiful she was. she stares back and i see her look down at my lips and back to my eyes. i do the same then lean in a bit. she does the same. my stomach starts to drop as i think if i really want to do this. if im ready for this. she gets even closer when we hear a knock at the door. we pull away fast and i stand up so quick. "anna!" i hear my older brother at the door. "yeah whats up" "mom is ordering pizza, be down in 15 min pizza will be here.

i look back at ag and begin to laugh. "uh hey im sorry. sorry if that might have been a little too fast" she tells me still sitting on the bed. "no dont appologixe. but yeah maybe we should take it a little slow." i say kinda in a laughing way. "so what do you wanna do?" ag asks me. "i have an idea." i set my phone up on the dresser and start a live.

"hey yall! look who it is!! i say pointing at ag. the comments start to blow up and fans start going crazy!

annashitmypants223: anna my wife! how are you?

daddymcdaniel: ag looks hot oh my god!

shumate02fan: are you guys like together cause damn you both look hot

we both laugh and joke with the comments till we smell the pizza. i know ag smelled it cause she came closer to me and wispered in my ear. "ill beat you to the pizza loser." she wispers then jumps straight up and out the door. "hey guys gotta go. bye!" i end the live and run down to catch up. i see ag already with a pizza half in her mouth, "haha loser." she says with a mouthfull. "nasty! close your mouth next time." i say laughing in defeat.


A.N: Hey y'all thought some tension would be good in this chapter. a near first kiss was something that needed to happen on their first day together. anyways please vote and comment what you want in the next chapter. when and where should be their first kiss? let me know!!

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