Chapter 3

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As everyone was watching the first match between heroes and fake villains in the viewing room, Zenn was studying the humans through the screen. But, once she noticed that the blond kid was actually fighting her human, she wanted nothing more than to kill the blond teen.

Natalee could see the hate rise in the siren. Her eyes went from innocent child to vicious predator the second Bakugo came out from behind the corner. The siren's anger meter got higher when Midoriya protected Uraraka. Was the siren actually jealous of another girl? "I knew this was a bad idea," Natalee said, under her breath blocking the doorway.

As the fight continued on the screen, the siren started to become uncontrollable and without thinking, she punched the screen they were currently seen on as if that was supposed to do something and let out a loud ear breaking scream. The other students started to get upset and annoyed that this random new girl was acting up and punching the screen for no reason. At least that's what they thought. "She may be hot, but she's crazy." One of the boys said, as the siren tried to leave but was locked in.

"Zenn, calm down," Natalee said, slowly approaching the female. "He's fine." While Natalee was trying to calm the siren down, All Might was trying to stop the fight going on in the other building. He knew that if this continued one of the two boys would get hurt and that everyone in the viewing room was in danger as well. The only way the siren would be able to calm down, was if she saw her human okay.

The siren let out another scream and shoved Natalee against the wall with no effort. "All Might! You have to stop the fight!" Natalee yelled over the siren's loud noises.

All the students were in the corner huddled together confused about why this girl was sounding like some type of animal. The scream was almost human-like but could easily be distinguished.

Finally, the siren broke the lock and rushed out the door. "All Might!" Natalee motioned towards the door, knowing he is one of the only people to stop Zenn.

All Might handed the earpiece to Natalee as he rushed out the door to get the siren before she hurt Bakugo.

"What just happened?" The spiky red-headed kid asked.

"I have no clue." Another kid answered.

As Zenn was running towards her human, All Might got in her way. "Move." She finally spoke instead of screamed.

"Zenn, I can't let you go in there. It's just training." He tried lying to the girl. He knew that the boys were having a personal fight but wanted to calm the girl down before more people got hurt.

"No. Izuku in trouble. Move." She shoved the buff blond out of the way as if he didn't weigh about 560 pounds.

As she was about to run again the building shook and the windows shattered. A huge thing of wind came through the roof. The siren got knocked backward into All Might. "I must go." She said, before racing off into the building to find Izuku.

Once she found him he was laying on the floor. She wanted to make the blond kid bleed, but she was more focused on Izuku. He was passed out and had his arms broken.

The siren took it upon herself to help him. She bent down and picked the boy up to bridal carry him to the nurse's office. "I look after him." She told All Might as she walked by him and Bakugo. Although, before she left the building she gave Bakugo a death glare. A glare that said, "I'm not done with you."

Natalee met up with Zenn as she was carrying the unconscious boy. "Come on. Let's take him to the nurse together." Zenn gave a quick nod before humming to the unconscious teen. She was more trying to calm herself down.

"Don't worry, sweetie. He'll wake up." Recovery Girl said to Zenn. Zenn just nodded her head. Just a second later All Might walked in. "Zenn, how about you go get your things and come back when you're done." Recovery Girl knew All Might needed to transform back into his normal form but she didn't know that Zenn already knew about his transformation. "I'll make sure he doesn't go anywhere."

Zenn got up and walked with Natalee to the locker room to get changed and grab her things. "I have to use the bathroom. Stay right here." Natalee ordered Zenn to stay right outside the bathroom door. She planned to listen until she saw the blond boy walk out of the classroom.

Zenn followed Bakugo until they were alone in the hallway and she turned him around. "What the fuck do you-" He didn't have the chance to finish his sentence before she looked him in the eyes and started singing the siren song.

Author Note to Bakugo: I'm so sorry, love.

Author Fact: This took me hours and I still don't like this chapter. Sorry guys!


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