Chapter 19

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"Why the hell are you here?!" Bakugo yelled. He knew this was the real fish instead of her annoying double. The girl in the white dress never hissed at him or instigated a physical fight. Nor did that version of the siren have marks across her face. That Zenn was too perfect to be real.

"Where am I?" The female didn't move from her stance. Bakugo went to turn to Donna, but she disappeared once Zenn entered the dream state. "Where the hell am I?" The siren repeated with more harshness in her voice.

"I don't fucking know!" They both looked each other over. It was clear she was injured, and she was wearing a long red sweater to cover her body. It looked as if she were drained of energy and her cheeks were pale with almost no color to them. She wasn't bleeding, but the gashes on her face looked fresh.

Zenn stood up properly and noticed the boy was in pajamas. He wore a simple black tee-shirt and sleep pants with his hair messy as if he just got out of bed. "Are you sleeping?" Zenn finally spoke.

Bakugo narrowed his eyes, "Yeah." Almost every time he has come to this house, he has been asleep.

The siren leaned against the wall while holding her bite mark on her shoulder. "I got into a fight in the water." Bakugo didn't have to ask for Zenn to know he was mentally questioning why Zenn was injured. The siren moved the sweater to look at the bite mark, but it wasn't bleeding at all. It didn't look like it ever bled.

"I thought sirens were supposed to be smart." Zenn lifted her eyebrow as Bakugo stared at her wounds on her cheek. "The damn sports festival is in a few weeks."

"I'll heal before then. Sirens heal quicker than humans. And why do you care? Wouldn't I be one less person you'd have to fight to get your damn victory?"

"Tsk. I want to prove to everyone that I can beat your ass even if you're a damn mermaid." Zenn shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"You think you can win against me." The female stood up straight and walked over to him. "Your quirk is my weakness, and I will have to fight like hell to beat you. I know that. But you would never stand a chance fighting me in hand to hand combat. You rely on your quirk too much." Bakugo narrowed his eyes before Zenn quickly grabbed his arm, turning around and throwing him over her non-injured shoulder, making him land on his back in front of her. She stood over him with her foot on his throat. "You're so smart, but yet you use the same moves. You also missed the signs I was going to attack. I stared at your wrist for a second as I was walking, my shoulders weren't even, and my leg wasn't completely straight. If I'm going to fight you, I want it fair." The female took her foot off his throat as he slapped it away. Bakugo knew she was right about missing the signs. He knew she knows more about physical fighting, and it was obvious she wouldn't hold back on the chance she got to throw him over her shoulder again at the festival. The difference was he'd land on cement and hit the ground a lot harder. He wasn't going to let this damn mermaid beat him because he passed out from a simple hit.

"I don't need your damn shitty advice! I know how to fucking fight, you damn fish!" Bakugo stood up and tried to use his quirk, but it obviously wasn't working.

"You're trying to use your quirk." The male looked down and groaned. The damn fish is right. Zenn quickly grabbed Bakugo's head and lifted her knee to make both of them meet, but she stopped just before she hit him. The blond groaned again but with a lot more anger.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" The blond yelled as he lifted his head.

"Instigating. I told you I want a fair fight, and I need to build my strength up quickly. I don't have to luxury of healing like the rest of you. The facility doesn't care if I'm injured." The female stood back and looked at her opponent for the night. "And it looks like you need to train as well." Bakugo lifted his eyebrow and smirked.

Lorelei (BNHA x Siren! OC!)Where stories live. Discover now