Chapter 9

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She swam up to her classmates who were on the edge of the pool where the ice hadn't touched. After the attack and strategy the siren used on the villains, she wanted to make sure Izuku was okay. "I'm not saying that we should jump into the middle of a battle. But...maybe we can find a way to take a few of those guys out and lighten his load." Midoriya said as Zenn swam in between him and Tsu.

"My angel!" Mineta said, excitedly trying to go over to the mermaid but, Tsu stopped him. Zenn did look frightening up close but, they now knew she wasn't a threat.

When she jumped up in the air to catch Izuku, her memories came back to her in a flash. She didn't know why, but she was grateful they did.

"Maybe, Zenn can lighten his load. Did you see how strong she is?" Mineta asked, hoping this girl would save him, once again.

"Um, Mineta, she's a mermaid right now." Tsu reminded him. Tsu was right. There wasn't much she could do unless the fight was brought to the water and it clearly wasn't. So, Zenn thought she was helpless.

"Yeah. She has to stay in the water until everything is over. Her transformation would cause too much attention." Midoriya informed the smaller teen.

The siren was able to hear them talking, but she couldn't speak back. It was starting to irritate her that she couldn't communicate with her classmates and tribe member.

The siren placed her webbed hand on Midoriya's shoulder to indicate that he was correct. There was no way she would be able to help unless she put herself in danger. During her transformation, she can't even use any of her quirks from the amount of pain she feels.

Zenn had to keep most of her body in the water, and the only thing that could be seen was her eyes and forehead, just like back in the ocean when she was stalking Izuku.

"Remember, Midoriya, we're just here to see how things are going, right?" Mineta asked, whimpering.

"Yeah, I know." The teens without tails, lifted their heads a little more, while Zenn had a hard time trying to see from staying in the water. "We'll get outta here the second it seems dangerous." She saw her teacher using his scarf to take out some of the villains. She analyzed the way he moved with it. Flying through the air at some points. Wrapping the villains up and landing on them. It was fascinating to her about how each human's fighting style was different. Of course, it would make fights on land more difficult, but she loved the differences.

The siren lifted herself up a bit more to see a blue-haired guy with hands all over him, holding her teacher's arm. She couldn't hear what was being said, but she did notice the change on his elbow. It was starting to darken as the villain grabbed it. His sleeve on his elbow was gone and his skin started falling apart. She could relate to the pain, and it wasn't pleasurable.

Once Aizawa had the chance, he gave the villain a good punch and he fell backward as Aizawa jumped back. The siren was mentally smiling when she saw her teacher dodging the other villains with some ease.

When he stopped, he held his arm. The villain started going on and on again, but the siren was more concerned for her teacher. Why did she have to be in this form? Why couldn't she help him? If she could just transform without causing a scene...

"And look at you, you're still standing! You really are so cool!" The villain with the blue hair said, standing farther away. "Oh, by the way, hero." The siren looked behind her teacher and seen a creature a lot scarier than herself. The creature was black and muscular. His head was practically his brain, and that's where his eyes laid. He also had a beak type mouth with an array of teeth. "I am not the final boss."

The siren's eyes got 10x wider than what they already were when the creature grabbed Aizawa's head. She hissed and got that look in her eye, but Izuku put his hand on her shoulder this time. She looked up at him and gave a quick nod.

She took his hand off her shoulder and held it under the water as they all watched their teacher get his limbs broken by this creature. "Is this what it looks like when I fight?" The siren thought. "Am I this scary?"

The "Nomu" as the villain said, shrieked but it wasn't as loud and high pitched like Zenn's. "You can erase peoples' powers. That's irritating, but it's nothing impressive. When faced with true, devastating power, you might as well be a quirkless child."

The Nomu grabbed Aizawa's head and slammed it into the cement floor. The siren's anger was getting stronger, but she could feel Izuku's grip getting tighter. He was nervous for his teacher and also getting aggravated that he couldn't do anything.

The siren tried closing her eyes to block out the scene, but that didn't work as she heard Mineta, "Huh? Did I hear that right? Did he say they're gonna just leave?"

"That's what it sounded like to me," Tsu responded. Mineta gasped,

"Yes! That's amazing!" He started to sob while holding onto Tsu's breasts. The siren gave him a confused look. She didn't understand why he was holding onto her breasts. Was this something humans do when they're overjoyed. "We're safe and we don't have to fight."

"Uh, yeah, but..." Tsu dunked Mineta under the water. I guess that isn't something humans do when they're happy. "I have a real bad feeling about this."

"It seems weird that they'd retreat at this point, even if help is on the way," Midoriya said, still frightened. Zenn could tell he was thinking of something and looked up at him.

The blue-haired villain ran over to the teens and was about to grab Tsu, but the siren was faster than he thought, grabbing his arm shattering his forearm bones, and leaving claw marks as she dug deeper into his skin.

The villain went to reach for the siren with his other hand, but Izuku went into action by jumping up and activating his quirk. "You! Let her go! Now!" He used his quirk causing the air and water around the other teens to fall backward from the air pressure.

The siren was thrown back into the middle of the pool, which had ice pieces caused by the pressure of Midoriya's quirk. She looked up and noticed the Nomu was now in front of Midoriya. Her animal instinct kicked in, knowing the dangers of what this creature could do to her human.

The Nomu grabbed Izuku's arm, lifting him into the air, and it lifted its own ready to fall onto teen, while the blue-haired villain went after Tsu and Mineta.

The siren jumped over Tsu and Mineta, grabbing the villain by the neck, throwing him across the USJ, and using her other arm to hop onto the Nomu's back. She screeched towards Tsu, and Tsu got the hint by grabbing Izuku with her tongue once again. The siren bit into the Nomu's neck, trying to rip out its carotid artery. Her teeth made a mark but didn't do any damage, but scratching the Nomu's eye with her sharp nails, caused a reaction from the creature.

It dropped Izuku, and the siren dug her nails into the creature's shoulders and swung herself around, impaling him with her sharp-pointed tail in the abdomen.

All of a sudden, the Nomu grabbed her and swung her around. She thought that impaling the creature would kill it but it kept going.

It held onto her wrist, lifting her into the air like it did Izuku, except the siren hit the Nomu with her strong tail causing it to step back a bit. The siren could hear Izuku calling to her, but she started screaming in pain. Her time out of the water in siren form was running out, and her hands started to change.

The doors to the USJ smashed opened revealing All Might, "Have no fear, students. I am here!" The siren screamed in pain causing an echo throughout the USJ. Her teeth went back to human form, but the screaming stopped as she was having trouble breathing. She was having trouble doing anything from the pain and trying to stay in her siren form, but she couldn't.

Zenn started moving around in the Nomu's grip as her fin went back inside her body, and her tail starting to rip itself apart to create her human legs. Her extra skin, blood, and tail all fell to the floor leaving her completely exposed. She transformed in front of everyone, with the Nomu holding her up as if she was on display.

Author Note: I just want to say that I do this story for fun and stress relief so I won't have a schedule for updates. I do promise to keep going with this story though!

Author Fact: I wasn't going to have her transform like that but I thought it'd be more interesting. 


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