Chapter 5

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"Izuku, okay?" Zenn questioned him as they both walked into class with Natalee not far behind.

"Yeah, I'm better. Thanks." Midoriya did a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his head. All Might ended up telling him that Zenn volunteered to take Midoriya to the nurse's office and that she stayed by his side the whole time he was out. At first, he thought it was weird that the new girl was so concerned for him, but the second he's around her, he can't help but feel drawn to her. Maybe it was because she was so beautiful, or the way she made his heart jump for no reason at all.

The class was about to pick a representative and of course, Zenn didn't understand what that meant, so Natalee had to explain, and it was an easy and obvious choice for Zenn. But for Bakugo, it was a lot harder. He so badly wanted to write his name on the paper, but she was clouding his thoughts.

He looked over at her in the back of the room and of course, she was writing Deku's fucking name down. He didn't even need to see the paper to know that. He didn't acknowledge it yet, but in the back of his mind, he wanted her to pick him. He wanted the attention Deku was getting for himself.

Once he finally looked back down at his paper he noticed he already wrote a name down, "Zenn". When the fuck did he write that? He went to erase the name but he couldn't. It was like a force was holding him back. He wanted to scream so many swears, but nothing came out.

He was PISSED when the results appeared. The fact that Deku had fucking won, and she helped him get there! It was complete bullshit! "Okay, you idiots, who voted for him?!" He yelled, standing up.

"What, did you honestly think anyone was going to vote for you? You didn't even vote for yourself." Sero said back to him.

"What did you just say?!"

The siren looked his way after Bakugo was done chewing Sero out for his come back. And they locked eyes for a second. All the anger that Bakugo felt left his body the second her emotionless eyes met his. This did not go unnoticed by a few students. Especially since he was the only one standing in the room. "So, that's how the new girl got one vote." The students that noticed the eye contact thought.

She looked away and Bakugo sat down as Midoriya slowly made his way to the front of the class. He was a nervous wreck. How the heck did people think he was going to be a good fit? It was nice that a few people could get behind it, but others thought it was a mistake.

"Zenn, we wanted to ask you if you'd like to join us for lunch?" The girl that sat in front of the siren asked.

"Who we?" Zenn asked, confused as Izuku and Iida walked up to the two girls. "Okay. Let me ask." Zenn was internally smiling and excited that she was asked by her classmates to join lunch with them.

Natalee sighed, as the young siren pleaded. She knew that if Izuku was around she'd be okay. Well, as long as no one tried hurting him. "Fine. Okay." The siren nodded,

"Thank you." The girl walked back over to the 3 students and nodded. "Yes. I can join for lunch." Uraraka smiled, and they walked to the lunchroom together after Natalee got Zenn's lunch out of the teacher's room fridge.

"It's always so crowded in here," Uraraka stated. Zenn made a quick hiss noise to agree with the other female.

"It's because students in the support, management, and hero courses all share the same cafeteria," Iida said. Zenn wanted to ask questions but she didn't wanna ruin her time with Izuku.

Once the others started eating, Zenn opened up her bento box full of raw fish and nothing else. Cod, trout, and swordfish are what Mama packed, plus the herring and cod shake. Zenn was in love with her lunch, while the other three just looked at her confused and a tad disgusted.

Lorelei (BNHA x Siren! OC!)Where stories live. Discover now