Chapter Six - Zane

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I pulled Ivy's hand into my lap as soon as I saw her make a move to touch the guy beside her. It had only been a few hours since I discussed my terms and she was already going back on her word. My eyes narrowed in warning to her and her own blazed back at me.

She looked back at Oliver and shook his hand with her other one. I fought the urge to growl in irritation.

"Sorry about him. He's just super into me right now since we're getting married." She patted my hand, and the loser beside her laughed.

There were very few people I trusted. Trina and her husband, and the woman I hired to be my cook. I didn't even trust the cleaning lady, who happened to be the cook's granddaughter. For some unknown reason, I trusted Ivy enough to ask her to marry me and keep the real reason for our marriage a secret.

"Where's your ring?" I heard the guy ask and it grated on my nerves. I didn't like nosey people. I opened my mouth to speak, but Ivy beat me.

"Well, you see, we've actually just decided to get married. It was kind of a whirlwind thing. I was slaving away at my family's business, daydreaming about running away and then my knight in shining armor came in and whisked me away."

She was laying it on thick and making it sound awful. I knew she was irritated with me, I not only heard it in her voice but she kept trying to pull her hand out of my grasp. Fat chance.

"Isn't that right, babe?" she asked, and I looked down at her. She had her hair pulled up into something that looked like a rat's nest on top of her head, and she had a coffee spot on her bright yellow t-shirt, directly above the word, 'Love' spelled in pink letters.

She was a girl trapped in a woman's body, it seemed. Despite that fact, she was beautiful. When she asked why I chose her, I'd been honest in saying it was because she had no idea who I was, but I intentionally left out the part about her looks.

The minute Trina told me about her plan, I thought of the pretty, wrench-wielding girl I'd met earlier that day. I had no intention of falling in love and making any kind of connection, but I was human. I could admit I wanted to be at least a little attracted to the woman I was going to be marrying.

I knew better than to think I was healthy enough to want someone forever.

Without answering, I let my head fall back onto headrest and closed my eyes. I could still feel her gaze, and when she stopped trying to tug her hand out of my grasp, I relaxed.

"Are you sure you want to marry him?" I heard Oliver whisper. I sighed.

"Yeah, I want to marry him. Sometimes he's uncomfortable being around a lot of people," she said.

She didn't know how right she was. Ever since my downward spiral in the public eye, anyone and everyone became my enemy. Tabloids that had been my biggest supporters and fans quickly became the voice that fueled hatred. Article after article ran my name through the mud and even after rehab, they were still at it. It wasn't until about a year ago that they seemed to forget I existed.

At first, I didn't know which was better; to be the Hollywood pariah or to be forgotten, but I was grateful my life had grown quiet.

"So, where are you guys headed?" Oliver asked. What kind of stupid question was that? Did average people just pry into other people's business so carelessly?

"Vegas!" she answered, excitedly. I opened my eyes and looked over at Oliver.

"Listen, buddy; I don't like the fact you're asking such personal questions, so why don't you go ahead and leave my girl alone, yeah?" His eyes widened a bit, and he nodded his head in response.

Expecting daggers, I was surprised to see a contemplative look on Ivy's face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"I was just thinking that I left my family and all I have is you now. If you scare every single person away from being my friend, I'm going to grow to hate you." She was whispering so only I could hear, but Curious Joe was trying to catch her words.

I leaned in close, so my lips touched her ear, and she stiffened in response.

"I'm extremely private about every detail of my life, Ivy. That includes you, now, and to be honest with you; I don't care if you hate me. I'm not marrying you so you'll be my friend." I pulled away and settled back into my chair. She tried to tug her arm away but I tightened my grip, and she let out an annoyed huff.

Why couldn't this have been a boat so the Captain could marry us? I should have been more careful about how I spoke to her for those few hours because, for all I knew, she'd run off and leave me back at square one.

She signed the contract. I reminded myself.

I wasn't sure how much time went by, but the Pilot came over the intercom and introduced himself. Moments later we were being lifted into the air, and I felt Ivy's hand squeeze mine.

Apparently, that wasn't enough for her because she grabbed my bicep with her other hand and put her head on my shoulder. I heard her talking under her breath and leaned down so I could listen to her better.

She was praying. I couldn't help but smile. She was scared to death, and it was funny. This was the woman that wanted to knock me over the head with a giant tool, after all.

I intertwined our fingers to try to comfort her.

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