Chapter Twenty - Ivy

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"You're fired!" I picked up an egg and threw it at Sandro, who was trying to flee the kitchen. "Get back here you coward!"

His deep laugh met my ears and I wiped the raw egg yolk off my face. I'd been minding my own business, making breakfast, when Sandro walked into the kitchen, glanced over my shoulder and grabbed an egg. I didn't know he'd intended to smash it on my head, because if I did I would have smacked him with the spatula before it happened.

I grabbed another egg and walked toward the basement stairs, where I knew he had run. I made my way down the steps and carefully looked around the open room, trying to pick out anything that looked out of place. I barely saw movement in a chair that was facing the opposite direction and smirked. What idiot hides in a chair?

I quietly made my way across the room and ducked behind him so I could remain unseen. After a silent deep breath, I stood and quickly smashed the egg on his head.

"That'll teach you to mess with me!" I laughed, but it died in my throat quickly. He stood and turned, facing me as the egg slowly slid through his blonde hair and into his face. His eyes narrowed and I took a step back, but he stalked me as if I were his prey.

"Zane?" I asked, my voice on the edge of panic. He didn't answer although his eyes darted to the egg that was still visible on my head.

Out of nowhere he rushed at me and grabbed my middle, lifting and bouncing me so I was effectively thrown over his shoulder. I let out a scream as his arms wrapped around my legs and he ran up the basement stairs. I closed my eyes, thinking if I didn't watch us fall to our deaths then it wouldn't hurt as bad. He reached the top and I opened my eyes in time to see Sandro standing in the basement grinning like a madman.

"Zane," I screamed. "What are you doing?"

He still didn't give me an answer but before I knew it, he was opening the back door and running into the backyard. His plan registered in my brain a full three seconds before I felt his jump and was submerged in the warm water of the swimming pool. He released my legs and I swam to the surface of the water. He was already there, smiling at me like he'd won.

"My cell phone was in my pocket," I said, glaring. His answering laugh was deep and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll get you a new one." He swam closer and I tried to retreat but my back hit the edge. He closed the distance and placed both hands on either side of my head, holding onto the side of the pool. My hands automatically went to his shoulders to stop his advance or hold myself up, I wasn't sure.

"Why'd you smash an egg on my head?" he asked. I could feel his breath on my face and couldn't help but be distracted by how his hair had grown out and laid flat on his forehead from the water. He looked so boyish and playful and I wished I could see his dimples that were hidden under his two-week-old beard.

"I thought you were Sandro." I answered, barely above a whisper. He glanced at my lips and back to my eyes.

"Why were you chasing Sandro around the house?" His voice lowered, and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

"Because he smashed an egg on my head while I was cooking."

"What did you do about it?"

"I fired him." I answered. Humor flashed in his eyes, but he covered it up and I swallowed down my nerves.

"You got egg on my favorite chair." He whispered, pausing before asking, "Was it worth it?"

I couldn't answer so I shook my head no, hoping it would be enough. His eyes darted to my lips again and this time they stayed.

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