Chapter Eight - Ivy

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We pulled into the driveway of a pretty average looking house. It was big, by my standards, but it seemed ordinary, other than the giant window. I don't know what I'd been expecting. A castle maybe? I mean, he was a millionaire.

Instead of a large, gated-in home, it was a simple two-story house. The apartment my bodyguard would be staying in was above the garage.

Just thinking about the bodyguard left a bad taste in my mouth. Who does that kind of thing? Why hire a bodyguard for your wife?

The more I thought about it, the more normal hiring someone seemed for an actor or actress. And, even if I'd never seen his movie, Zane Landis was an actor.

He opened the door, and we walked into a long hallway. To the right was the entryway to the kitchen and to the left was the living room. I had a feeling I wasn't going to like that room because the entire front wall was made up of a large window. No blinds, no curtains, just a window. Not even a window you could open, so I guess it could be considered a glass wall. It was creepy so I definitely wouldn't be spending time downstairs in the middle of the night.

Zane quickly walked around the house, briefly uttering what each room was. There was a basement that housed a theater room, a small gym and his personal office. The master bedroom, a spare bedroom and a couple restrooms were all on the second floor. I figured the spare would belong to me, but I was quickly proven wrong.

He led us into the master bedroom, and I waited by the door.

"Which room is mine?" I asked. He looked around like the question confused him.

"What do you mean? This is your bedroom, too."

Wait, what?

"I'm sorry, I don't understand. Where are you sleeping?"

"I'm sleeping in the bed next to my wife."

"I'm really confused."

"Look, I have a staff of people working here. I can't have my wife sleeping in another room. You're safe; I promise you that you're safe. I just need you tp sleep in here. Please don't make this difficult."

"I'm not trying to be difficult; I'm just a little stunned. You didn't mention it before."

"Well," he lifted his arms up and let them drop. "Surprise."

I let our an awkward laugh. "This is going to make for a fascinating few years. I don't like this."

"Why are you so determined to give me an ulcer?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm the one that just moved away from home and married a man I don't even know. How on earth are you the one getting the ulcer?"

"I thought you'd be a lot more docile."

"How flattering. No wonder you had to con someone into being your wife."

"I didn't con you!"

"Well, you certainly weren't very forthcoming about all the circumstances." He stared at me like he didn't know what I was saying. "I need a bodyguard, and I have to sleep in here! It should be obvious why I'm upset."

"Would that have made you say no?" he asked.

"Yes! No. I don't know! This is just all so weird. I thought I'd have a separate room."

"I'm sorry to disappoint."

"Maybe we could just get rid of the staff?"

"You want to fire someone who has been working for me for years? If so, you can take care of it."

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