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Ok, before we start I wanna point out where this story came from. This was inspired by DevilNorthStar13's story My Amazon Hero Academia. I liked the story and had an idea for one of my own. Anyway, enjoy.

It was a stormy night in the Caribbean for a small class field trip. The members had consisted of 14 male students, their teacher, and two chaperones who were parents of two. Above deck, the boat they had charted out on was facing seas that even a skilled sailor would fear. Below deck however, a certain green haired boy had tried to sleep the danger off in hopes to avoid self panic. This boy was Izuku Midoriya. To many, he was simply the nerd of the group with academic skills being one of the only things he truly excels in. Physically however, there is much to be preferred by him. As he slept, Izuku began to dream of a strange woman in an abnormal outfit that looked as if it was tribal by nature. "Since we do not have much time, I shall get to the point. My name is Nana, and I am the leader of a group of amazons. Young man, it is time for you to save my people and everything that they hold dear." "Wait, what are you talking about?" Izuku was confused as anything before the woman's image started to fade. "Find my people young man and learn how to save them. Only you are able to." Izuku tried to call out for her one more time before hearing someone shout 'abandon ship' to pull him out of his dream.

"Huh!?" Izuku sat right up to see the door slam open to his friend Iida. "Midoriya, we need to abandon ship! It's going down!" "Wait, what!?" "No time to explain, we need to leave now though!" He didn't ask many more questions, but followed his friend out to the lifeboats. "Is my mom ok?" "Everyone's on board except for us, let's move!" They ran to the other end of the ship where their classmates and chaperones were preparing to head out. "IZUKU!" The boy's mother Inko had tightly gripped her son in fear that something bad might've happened. "What happened!?" "We hit a rock or something! We had to evacuate or go down with the ship!" His teacher Aizawa stated this as he cut the lines supporting them to fall into the water. "ROW!" Everyone grabbed an ore or something and started rowing the best they could. Several were panicking as they were tossed and smacked around by waves. "WE NEED TO GET INTO THE EYE OF THE STORM! THAT'S THE ONLY SAFE SPOT WE CAN BE RIGHT NOW!"

Izuku saw a bit of light to try and get everyone to row in that direction. Unfortunately, the sea wasn't allowing them this opportunity without a fight. For what seemed like hours, the group fought to get near the light with it in their grasp. One of their classmates Bakugou looked over to see the little midget of their class Mineta stop to look at something. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TWERP! ROW!" He didn't speak, but pointed to something. Those that saw him point saw what it was to immediately stop rowing as well. "We're dead." A giant wave that covered the sky to them was coming directly at them. As the first to come out of this shock, Aizawa shouted to everyone to try and get them ready. "BRACE FOR IMPACT!" The wave swallowed their boat up and separated everyone. Izuku found his way up to the surface looking around to see nobody around. "MOM! MR. AIZAWA! IIDA! AUNT MITSUKI! KAACHAN!" He shouted with his face being constantly smacked by wave after wave keeping him under. Eventually, he started to lose the ability to fight and sink under the water. 'No...can't....stop....' He blacked out with the thoughts of his dream coming to his head.

The next morning

A group of women were hunting on an unknown island. "Alright, what do we have." A woman with purple hair and strange earlobes began asking while showing a few rabbits. "I was able to catch a few fish *ribbit*." A girl with dark hair and a frog like face mentioned showing a few fish. "I found some berries." "Which are poisonous Mina. You want these kinds." A girl that had black hair and a rather adult figure stated this to a girl who had pink skin and abnormal horns. "I got nothing." A girl that seemed to be invisible stated this with there literally being nothing in her hands. "What about you, Ochako?" The purple haired girl asked a brunette who was looking on the shore. "Something washed up." "Huh?" "Come on, I'll show you."

Izuku the Amazon KingWhere stories live. Discover now