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*Now guys hear me out before you attack me in the comments or anythinggg I've had a story idea to do a genderbend Sakura for a while because well for one.

I think if Sakura was a boy she wouldn't be as annoying- and or useless- and two I've seen some interesting fanart sooo I'm gonna attempt at this, as well as Ino she is genderbend and a few others I'm keeping Naruto and Sasuke's gender the same.

So maybe Sakura had a small obsession with the pretty shy girl. Ever since they were six him and Ino had a little competition about who could get the girl to like more.

When rumors went around that Meadow liked guys with long hair, both grew their hair. Sakura was a little more into love than anyone, so when he loved Meadow, he felt he was in more competition with Naruto and Sasuke when all four of them are picked to be on a team together.

So maybe Meadow was a little strange and into other things girls, their age didn't like. As they grow closer on their team it would be the perfect time to tell her how long you've been in love with her.

 As they grow closer on their team it would be the perfect time to tell her how long you've been in love with her

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Meadow Son

"So since you are the meadow, that makes me your Sakura Tree in your meadow right beautiful?"

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