Chapter 1 : Beginnings.

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"Welcome, little one. This is your first day. Your designation will be RC01/138. We expect great things from you. You have been born into dangerous times. A sharp mind will be the key to survival. But as often as not, it will be your inherent physical traits that win the day. And in this regard, you will be superior to your more common brethren. For you are a commando, something truly special. Your weapons, your armour, and most importantly, your brothers. The aiwha of our world hunt in pods to bring down much larger prey. So too, will you join your brothers and become fierce hunters for the Republic. Now, join your pod, and embrace your destiny as their leader. Join Delta Squad: Delta 40, your foundation, a pure and uncomplicated soldier; 62, the heart and soul of your team; and 07, the fiercest hunter of all your brethren. You are each a piece of a whole person, and the Republic will call on you to defend, and give your lives if need be."

―Taun We to commando-in-training Boss

There was a silence, only the light from a distant moon shone brightly in the night sky. Yantoreni was a planet which held vicious wars beteween the Grand Army of the Republic and Trade Federation, for years the war raged on. Boss, RC1138 checked his HUD inside his Orange & White Katarn Armour, it displayed positions where Trade Federation had built droid factories. Boss put his hand in the air to a fist position telling his squad to stop and find cover.

''Lots of movement ahead, real easy way of getting in without a fight''

A voice said in Boss's ear, Fixer RC1140 a by the books Clone Commando and 2nd in charge of the squad, his colours was White Grey with Green. Fixer was the Techie of the group could hack and infiltrate anything that the enemy threw at him. Fixer looked out pointing to a Droid Sniper position.

"See it, Sir?" he said asked Boss

"Yeah, hes carrying a Plasma rifle....surpressed too" he replied

"Sev, take that Sniper out. we might have an advantage or at least an element of surpise with that Driod out the way!" Boss signaled towards Sev, RC1207 the sniper of the squad his helmet was something of nightmares a bloody handprint over his helmet and blood stains on his armour. Sev wasnt a talking type of clone but when he did talk his voiced rumbled giving even Boss some caution to approach him.

"Wilco, Sarge" Sev said quielty over the Comlink.

He aimed his DC17M with his sniper attachement on the gun and opened fired towards the Sniper on the tower, no noise a direct hit and the driod plumeted to the ground.

"Scratch one tinnie, Sir!"

The squad advanced to an old docking bay, it was the least guarded part of the factory. In a diamond formation they advanced slowly. Boss threw a motion sensor over the wall, he pressed a button on his gauntlet and a little screen popped up. nothing showed up, Boss felt at ease knowing this would be easier to go in the quiet way.

"Scorch, I need a mute charge on that wall. lets do this quietly"

Scorch appeared from the back of the squad, RC1262 was the squads Demolitions expert, his armour was coloured Yellow, White & dark grey. Scorch famously burnt his own eyebrows of in training back in Tipoca City when he was a young clone training with Walon Vau and got his name from that incident. Scorch stepped towards the entry point, placed a mute charge which was so small and compact it was the favourite choice of entry by all Republic Commando squad. he placed it neatly on the wall, the others had to stepped away. Scorch joined them, pressed a button on his left gauntlet and everything went silent. suddenly the wall crumbled, and Scorch kicked down the remaining fragments of the wall.

"Clear left, Clear right. 62 taking position"

Scorch walked into the old docking yard, behind him was Sev with his normal DC17 Rifle now, as it was the standard weapon for all Clone Commandos. Boss was last into the docking yard. he activated his beacon. suddenly a glowing blue light flashed, he threw a hologram projector on the floor. Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi appeared in front of them.
"Delta, glad you made it safely into the factory. what is the current location, please?"

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