Devil in Me

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My eyes ajusted to the light. Groggily, I tried to sit up. I remembered that I was still on top of the bus. I couldn't hear Mr Mysterious anymore, so I figured that I'd been dreaming, or maybe I'd had an outer body experience. Either way, I must have major injuries. I sat up.

I was fine.

Stunned, I got to my feet. My hair assumed its usual place in front of my face, but instead of a tangy orange colour, my hair was now a sexy red colour. Confused but not worried, I shoved it out of my face. I walked to the edge of the bus, my toes on the edge. I looked down.


Bruce and Co. were loudly protesting their inncocence to a group of disbelieving police officers, a bald, middleaged man (who I assumed to be the bus driver) was crying. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just slip down and go "Look everyone, I'm okay!".

Quietly, I jumped down from the bus, a truly miraculous feat for an unatheletic girl like me, and slipped off into the bushes. Dazed, I walked home, thinking about what on earth could have happend. I got home and stepped into my house to be met by silence. It was just past 5, so my parents would be in the 'Hour of Heavenly Prayer'. Good, I thought to myself, as I walked up to the stairs to my bedroom. Once there, I closed the door, and hurried to the mirror.





It was red and shorter and red and styled and red and OH SO VERY RED!!

I didn't do sexy red. I did 'tease-me' orange. What was going on?

I played with it, considering my options. Now I had chilled a bit, I could see how well the red colour suited me. It empasized my pale skin and dark lashes. I stared vainly at myself. Wow. I looked myself in the eyes.

My eyes.

My eyes were....

My eyes were red.

Not a bright red, but you could clearly see the red elements in them.


Panicked, I sprawled across my bed, breathing heavily. Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe in, Breathe out.

I would be fine.


Trust me, I could work with this.

The next morning, I sprung out of bed, quickly got washed, dressed did my teeth and had breakfast. Then, I returned to the mirror.

I was gonna make myself look so, so very good.

I applied cover up carefully, checking for lines or streaks. Then, I lined my eyes with black liner and applied mascara. Eye-shadow was not nessacery, so I didn't bother. Blush would ruin the pale look that I was trying to achieve so I skipped it. I applied lip gloss, only a few shades darker than my skin colour. I took a step back to admire my handywork. I had never wore make up like this for school before. Or ever.

I looked great.

Except for my hair. The colour was improved, but it still had no volume. It hung like rats tails around my face. I thought, than began rummaging in my closet. I found my curlers, and got to work.

Satisfied, I began my journey to school.

I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't get noticed. Nor, am I gonna lie and say that I didn't enjoy the attention. It was strange, I had never enjoyed being noticed. I preffered to stay in the shadows, unseen and unnoticed. But now, I wanted people to see me and stop and stare. Maybe it's because I knew that I looked good.

More to the point, I couldn't wait to see Aaron. I couldn't wait to see what he thought of my new look. I didn't have any friends, so he was my last hope at happiness. I hope he doesn't think that I'm trying too hard.

I walked through the corridors like a celebrity on the red carpet. I saw a couple of 7th grade boys stare at me, drooling. I winked cheekily at them, then continued till I reached my classroom. Aaron, Bruce and other populars were stood in a huddle. I approached them warily, but still confident. Bruce's jaw dropped  when he saw me. He quickly composed himself then put on a smarmy grin

"Hellooo, new girl" He began, obviously not recognizing me "How do you fancy meeting me in the disabled toilets at 3?" Not considering his offer at all, I told him "No chance Brucie, how do you think Becki would feel if she knew you'd just said that?"

Becki was Bruce's girlfriend. She was BFF's with Tamii, so therefore also part of the airhead tribe.

"Whateva man, I was only jokin" Bruce lied, badly trying to cover up

"Sure you were" I said, smiling at him smugly.

Aaron turned to face me. He leaned forward, and whispered in my ear "You look beautiful, Hexyl" His minty breath tickling my ear

I truly tried not to blush, but I couldn't help it. I loved him now more than anything.

"Aaarrrroooooooooonnnnn" Tamii hollered in a pathetic, needy girly voice.

When I'm Aarons girlfriend, I will never do that. Ever.

"I'll see you later, Hexyl. And I mean it, you look gorge-"

"Aaarrroooonnn cooomme oooonnnn" Tamii demanded.

Couldn't the girl let me have one moment with the man I loved?

Even if she was his girlfriend.

I mean, I was his soulmate.

Even if he didn't know it yet.

Aaron turned to go with Tamii, and he waved over his shoulder. I waved back, flashing him a smile.

Gosh, I love that man.

I walked into class, my head held high.

*Where do you think your going*

I turned round. No-one was there.

"Ah, Mr Voice, I see you've returned" I said sarcastically

*Yes, and I'd like to talk about our, ahem, arrangement....."



Oooh, who is the voice? (In the *** brackets)

What does he want with Hexyl?

Will she ever date Aaron?

Will her parents ever stop praying?

Will the Tamii ever stop saying Aaaarrrrroooonnn?

Read on to find out.......

Well when I update anyways :) xx





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