Devil in Me

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I looked down at Aaron, tears welling in my eyes. He looked so helpless, just laying there, drenched in his own blood. I stroked the side of his face, tears rolling down my cheeks as I did so.

It was like the bounds that held me together snapped.

The pain, and loss, and suffer and anger were released. I screamed and felt myself let go. The power within me overtook my body. The light consumed me and I let it. I could see everything. The past, the future, the present, everyone, everything, life, death. To me, it was all nothing. I had just let go.

I had released the Devil in Me.

I forced everything I had at Angel. He was nothing. He was worthless to me now. Just like everything else was. The world was a cruel place where bad things happened to good people. I hated the world, I hated the people, I hated everything.

But most of all, I hated that Angel had killed Aaron.

And for that, he would suffer.

I launched another attack at Angel before he had time to brace himself. This time, Angel was shot backwards and landed hurt on the floor. I could see the fear in his head. I could see all his emotions, hate and revenge and betrayal and anger. But a new experience was there for him.


I screamed louder, releasing my anguish into the world again. I pointed at Angel, and watched him writhe in pain inside as I controlled him. I flung him back and forth, inflicting as much hurt as possible. It was still not enough.  I wanted to see him burn from the inside. I summond as much power as I could and prepared to launch it at Angel.

Something stopped me.

Something had changed.


My firery red eyes opened wide in shock. It was impossible. He was dead.

But he wasn't.

Slowly, I turned around.

To find myself face to face with Aaron

"Hexyl, I'm fine look at me, I'm fine. You've got to stop this"

"I can't" I told him "He deserves to suffer, everyone deserves to suffer. Everybody dies"

"Yes everybody does die. But it's not up to you to choose when that happens, understand? So stop this baby and come back to me. Go back to being yourself. Shy and geeky and afraid of everything" He paused, as if he was about to go on, but he didin't.

"I can't. I'm not finished with the world. The world is a pitiful place where everyones afraid, everyones a liar, everyones a cheat,a fraud, a scoundrel! It's not right!"

"I know it's not but killing everyone is not the way to fix it. Please Hexyl, stop this, I need you back, the old you, the best of you, every stinking part of you baby." He choked on the words as he took my hand in his and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you Hexyl"

He wrapped his arm round my waist and pulled me to him. He pressed his lips to mine and we kissed.

I felt the love that he had for me and I broke free. I wasn't the devil, or was I part of the devil. I was me, Hexyl. I threw my arms round his neck and pulled him closer to me still.

Angel let out an angered growl. Aaron and I broke apart.

"You thought you had me" I told Angel "But you don't. Because I know now. I really do know now. I don't need to be popular, I don't need the best in life. I need love. So, Angel I have only one thing to say to you"

I clutched the pendant around my neck and ripped it off as I yelled at Lucifer Sonneillon, Demon of hatred and betryal


A screech escaped Angels lips as he went up in flames in front of us. I clung to Aaron as I watched the flames engulf Angel and disintergrate Angel into a billion tiny pieces of Ash.

I stared at Aaron and he stared back. Both our pairs of eyes read disbelief.

"I never told you before" I started "Thank you, you saved my life"

"Anything else?" He asked

"Oh yeah" I pulled Aaron closer to me "I love you too"

And this time, we kissed with no interuptions.








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