Devil in Me

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A sinister figure in a long black cloak emerged. I could not, or did I want to, see it's face. I highly doubted it was smiling and wishing me happiness and hugs. All I could see of it's face was glowing red eyes shining from underneath it's hood. He looked like Death. Worse still, I feared it was Death himself.

This was the Devil I had made a deal with.

A laugh emereged from underneath the hood. A familiar, deep sinister laugh that sent shivers running down my spine and made the hairs on the back of my neck prickle. Angel. Death was Angel. The Devil was Angel. All hope I had left for my survival was now gone. I was doomed.

Slowly, Angel raised a fragile bony finger and tugged at his hood. It fell back, revealing his face.

This time I screamed louder.

Angels face could not be described as a face, or even a deformed one. He had no real eyes, just dents in his head covered with snow white skin which emitted a creepy red glow, like I had seen earlier, before he took the hood off. He had no nose at all, and his mouth was the worst. A large slit was Angels mouth, blood either side of it, freshly drained. He smiled at me, revealing row after row of sharp jagged teeth.

I struggled in the rope that bound me to the chair, but it was hopeless. Angel advanced towards me, a skeleton arm outstretched.

*Do not fear this. I have grown rather, if you will allow me to say, fond of you and have decided to give you a choice.You may become a being like myself, a demon, and do what I do for the rest of eternity, or I kill you*

"I'd rather rot in hell!" I screamed at him

*Good* And Angel smiled *That's what I had planned*

"Tell me one thing. who exactly are you? Whats your name?"

* My full name is Lucifer Sonneillon, a demon of Hatred and Betrayal. I work to steal the souls of people who believe their lives are bad. I come in at a near death experience, and offer a deal to improve their lives. Not fully believing that I am real, they agree. I posess them and drain them by inhabiting their heads. And then, when I am done, I create a place inside their minds, where I steal their souls from the inside* Angel looked at me, his red eyes burning my skin.

"What do you mean, inside their minds? You mean this is all just in my head? Like a dream?"

He supressed a laugh. *A nightmare would be more suitable*

I began to think. If this was a dream, I could control it. I knew that I couldn't just poof Angel, or Lucifer, out of my head. But maybe I could fight back. I closed my eyes, and focused on a pocket knife I had passed in a store window the other day when shopping with Aaron. I focused on the sleek red metal and more importantly, the sharp silver blade. I thought about it, remembering every detail as best I could.

I felt a cold metal object in my hands. YES! I thought, still keeping my face anxious and worried so that Angel wouldn't notice that anything was different. I flicked the switch on the knife and fumbled with it so that I could cut through the ropes. I sawed best I could, and my hands were untied. Angel had his back to me, muttering or chanting under his breath. Silently, I arose from the chair and advance towards Angel. I crept closer and closer and closer. I stepped to loudly. A soft thud would normally not be heard, but in the black space of nothingness, it was clear as day.

Angel spun round, knocking me to the floor. I slid back, and quickly got my feet and prepared myself for whatever was next. My black jeans were ripped, as was my long sleeved flowing white top. I thanked my mother for telling me to put a vest on. My black vest could be seen through the top anyway, but now it was obviously visable. I figured that I looked like some kind of superhero, like I used to watch on saturday morning cartoons. I felt a bit like that. The teen girl super hero versus the Evil Demon baddie that wants to destroy her. Except, unlike the cartoons I used to watch, this heroine would not live to fight another day.

Angel conjured a ball of bright energy and hurled it at me. I tried to dodge, but I was fixed to the same place. My eyes widened in horror as I saw the power coming towards me. It hit me square in the chest, sending me sprawled across the floor again. I layed on the floor. For a brief moment, I wondered if it was even worth getting up. Angel sensed this.

*If you do not fight, I shall have to give you something to fight for*

I tried to get back up, but my arms wobbled and I collapsed back onto the floor.

*Very well then. Have it your way*

I squeezed my eyes shut, not daring to look.

*Open your eyes!*

I did as told, and hauled myself up so I was standing again.

 I gasped in shock. Angel had stooped lower than I thought possible. Then again, I don't suppose Angel had a lowest point.

In the middle of the blackness, there was Aaron. Stood, frozen to the spot.

But this time, he was not here to save me.

It was my turn to save him.

Seeing Aaron had given me new hope. I clenched my fists and saw the same light as Angels glowing around my hands. I was sure I saw Angel take a step back, he was obviously not expecting this.

I extended my arms in fornt of me, and blasted him with my own power. He was hit, wounded even, but he did not drop to the floor. Angel fired back, with more power, more force. I tried to do the same, but I could not. He had years of experience on his side, and all I had was the will to live and to protect my boyfriend.

Staggering, I ran forwards, blasting Angel with everything that I had. Angel weaked, the red in his eyes dimmer, as if they were damaged, like a light bulb.

We stood there, looking at each other. Angel sniggered at me, and pointed his index finger at Aaron.

"NO!" I yelled, but it was too late.

 Aaron was hit directly, and sent flying backwards. He landed akwardly on the floor, and blood began gushing from him. Aaron layed there in his own blood, while I screamed. I dashed over and knelt beside him, ripping a section of his t-shirt of to use as a bandage. I applied presure to the alarmingly large wound on his chest.

"Aaron, Aaron can you hear me? It's me Hexyl, your girlfriend, talk to me Aaron baby, talk to me, please". I begged him. "Aaron, your gonna live believe me, we'll get through this, you gotta believe me. Aaron please". I clutched his hand protectively, desperately, worriedly "Aaron, if you can hear me, say something, anything, please or squeeze my hand. Let me know that your okay!"

No response.



Will Aaron make it through?

 Will Hexyl save him?

Will they both make it?

Or will they both die?







I LOVE YOU ALL!!  <3 <3 <3


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