Devil in Me

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"What do you mean 'Our Arrangement'?" I asked, confused

*You know, my changing your life for the better*

"You haven't changed my life!" I exclaimed "All you've done is changed my hair and eye colour, the rest I did on my own!"

*How do you know that? How do you know that I haven't made all these things happen? Do you really believe that Bruce would flirt with you? OR that Aaron would say those charming things. They both have girlfriends*

"Yeah, I do believe that. I can make friends by myself now, thank you very much"

*But still anything could happen. It's still early days yet*

"And what would you do to change that? Care to share?" I challenged

*You know of my power. I do not need to prove myself to you. I am capable of great things. Still, I cannot yet guarantee that you'll be safe. Bruce could still attack*

"Unlikely" I scoffed "I can defend myself now, I know I can. But still, say it did happen, what would you do to stop it?"

*If, say in theory, you were to be threatend or even attacked I could protect you. If....*

"If what?" I asked, raising a carefully plucked eyebrow

*If I was your Guardian.....Angel*

"You're asking to be my guardian angel?"

*In a word, yes*

"Well then, I guess okay?" I said, a tad unsurely

*Say that we have a deal*

"We have a deal" I repeated "But on one condition"

*And what might that be?*

"Leave Aaron alone. Don't use your great power to change him. If he's gonna fall in love with me, I want it to be honestly"


I actually felt the voice leave my head. I don't think anyone else could hear my Angel but me. Thank Satan.

Normally as I could, I walked to back to class and actually entered the room this time.

"AAAAARRROOOONNN NNNNOOOOOOO!!!" Could be heard in all the rooms, in all the corridors. It was (suprise suprise) Tamii.

"Tamii, I'm sorry but-"


"Look, I'm sorry but I just don't feel that way about you anymore-"


Well that was a fun start to our lesson.

During our lunch our many gruelling hours later, my new confidence began to show through. I sat down at a table with some people who I used to be friends with before high school and we began chatting away. We mostly discussed Tamii' s performance in our English lesson. Everyone agreed that it was better that they were broken up. Shelia, a girl who I knew best, was friends with a girl who was dating the boy who was friends with Aaron's best friend. Shelia told us all that apparently Aaron dumped Tamii for another girl, but no-one knew who she was. Personally, I was gutted. I loved (if only secretly) this boy and he fancied another girl.

I was deep in my thoughts of a rather eventful Vegas wedding, when I was interupted by the presence of a new person who had just sat down at our rather cosy table.


Aaron was sat on our table. More importantly, he was sat next to me!

I smiled at him and was relievd to see that he smiled back. We carried on our conversation, which Aaron was deeply involved in. I had no idea what we were talking about. I kept glancing over at Aaron, still in disbelief that he was actually sat near me! It couldn't have been Angel, our deal was he didn't touch Aaron.

He was here because he wanted to be.

Aaron suddenly edged closer to me, and I was suddenly aware that our knees were touching. I felt my cheeks flame and hoped to Satan that Aaron didn't notice. He glanced over and smiled. I smiled back.

We continued our most essential conversation. Uncomfortable on the bench, I wriggled slightly and repostioned myself so that my hands were either side of my hips. My fingers were curled over the edge of the bench slightly. Aaron inched closer to myself, taking a deep breath. I thanked my lucky stars that I remembered to put perfume on this morning. He stretched his hand out and curled his fingers round mine so that they were intertwined. I smiled to myself. There was now a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, Aaron felt the same way about me as I did him. I risked a glance at him, and he caught it and smiled broadly at me, as if to say, this is one of the most right things he'd ever done. My mind began whirling away to The World of Vegas Weddings, when I felt a small squeeze on my hand. Aaron stood up, releasing my hand as he did so, and gestured to me to follow him. Obligeingly, I stood up and followed him, as soon as we left the canteen, he grabbed hold of my hand and led me outside.

The noise was overwhelming. There were people of all varietys. Goths, Emo's, Chav's, Jocks, you name it, there it was in our school ground. Aaron stood in front of me, his eyes locked with mine. He tilted his head, and began to lean towards me. I did the same, and our lips were centimetres away from each other. We leaned closer still, now our lips brushed briefly against each others. I closed my eyes, ready for the moment I'd wanted all my life.....


Aaron and I leapt a mile apart. The stupid teacher had interupted my PERFECT moment. But, what about my future? This was my future you stupid man, I may have lost the guy I am meant to marry because of your yodelling!

"See you at lunch, Hexyl?" Aaron asked, and I quickly accepted, and watched dazed as he made his way to class. My future was now safe. I walked past the teacher who had interupted me. I felt bad, I had over reacted for nothing and also secretly insulted him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it" I told him honestly, and I made my way to class, leaving the teacher to stare after me, deeply puzzled.



Will Hexyl ever kiss Aaron?

How will Tamii react when she knows about Aarons feelings for Hexyl?

Is Hexyl's angel really as innocent as she believes he is?





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