Devil in Me

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"What do you mean?" I asked, panting desperately for air

*Everybody wants to live. Especially those who's lives are gone*

"You mean the dead?"

*The dead, the undead, the cursed, the fatally injured, the ones who made a deal*

"So your saying this deal, I'm eventually gonna die?" I continued to pull my necklace away from my flesh.

*Eventually. But at this time, you need your life, and so do I*

"How so?"

*I need your blood*

"Ah" I gasped, as a slit was made down my already wounded hand. The blood trickled down, splashing onto the floor.

*Put the blood on the pendant*

I did as commanded, and when I held the pendant, it released, allowing me to breathe again. The voice in my head (who I could no longer call Angel) laughed as he lapped up my flowing blood. He then sealed the wound and disapeared from my head.

I then remembered Aaron.

I dashed over to him, kneeling by his side.

"Are you alright? Where are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, I think. What happend? Who were you talking to?" He asked , puzzled.

"Nobody, it doesn't matter. C'mon lets go before Bruce wakes up".

Aaron agreed, calling Bruce some names FAR to rude to repeat. We hobbled home, I walked him home, unsure wether or not he was really alright. Then, I walked home myself, armed with a very large stick that I found on my home.

The following day Aaron demanded to know what Bruce had done. I tried to tell him that Bruce had done nothing execpt push me on the floor, but Aaron didn't believe me. So then I told him the truth.

I'm not gonna lie and say that Aaron wasn't annoyed. Nor am I gonna lie and say that he didn't want to go and challenge Bruce to round 2. Thankfully, I think I managed to talk him out of it. But when Bruce came to try and talk to Aaron, he responded badly, pushing Bruce up against the wall, threating him if he ever touched me again. I dragged Aaron away, telling him I was fine, and that we should go and find Shelia and the rest of our little gang.

When we arrived, a shock with blonde hair and big blue eyes was there, waiting for Aaron.


"Oh god" I heard Aaron mutter under his breath

"You never returned my calls last night" Tamii whined "It's like you don't wanna be my boyfriend anymore" Tamii slipped her fingers into Aarons, but I was glad to see he yanked them out of hers.

"That's cause we broke up Tamii" Aaron told her, a hint of annoyance in his deep voice.

"OMG, you were, like, serious about that?" Tamii asked, her blue eyes all wide

"Yeah, I told you, I like someone else" Aaron replied, looking at me and winking. My heart in response did a loop-de-loop.

"But, I'm Blonde, and totally pretty and I get manicures AND pedicures!" She insisted

"Tamii, I'm sorry, but we're over". Aaron told her firmly, and with that final sentance, he took my hand and led me towards the library.

Basically, Aaron and I spent our time in the library generally being silly. Then, more boring school hours passed and for the first time in two years, I walked home without meeting Bruce. Then, I got home.

I went through the front door, and the strong smell of insense nearly made me keel over. Sometimes, during prayers, my parents light natural incenese because according to my dad, it helps them talk to the Lord better. On my way into the kitchen, I had a rare experiance.

I bumped into my mother

"Hexyl, darling, how was your day in the home for the education of the lord?"

"Um, fine, I guess"

"Glad to hear it, may the Lords spirit be with you darling" Then my mother drifted away to go back to do whatever she was doing. Quietly, I opened the kitchen draw, and took out a large knife. I slipped it into my school bag, then went upstairs to my room. I turned on my computer and brought up google. I then got the knife and slit myself on my cut again and clutched my pendant. The blood would keep The Ironic Angel busy while I did some research.

'How do you break a deal with the devil?'

Brought up no useful suggestions execpt films and books with similar names. I then tried:

"I made a deal with the devil and got out of it'

That was no use either. I was beggining to panick. My blood flow was getting weaker, and would soon have dried up. Then, Angel would see what I'd been doing, and this time,

He probably wouldn't spare my life.

Suddenly, I had a brainwave. Quickly I typed in the words that could save my life.

'The most powerful thing in the world'

The results came up with one word.

One word.

Only One Word.

The Most Powerful Thing in the World?




Can the power of love save Hexyl?

Is she doomed as foretold by Angel?

Does Aaron really like her?

Does he maybe even, love her?







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