Devil in Me

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I walked home that day with a spring in my step.

I realized that Tamii was nothing more than a brief fling and soon Aaron would realize his true feelings for me. I thought about this nearly all the way home.

Without warning, I was thrown onto the floor and landed in an uncomfortable position. I shifted myself to see my attacker. It was Bruce. Before I could defend myself, my bag was once again snatched and I recieved an unpleasent kick in the stomach. I curled up into a ball on the floor, feeling the pain. I groaned as I felt myself being pelted with small stones. Enough to hurt, but not enough to cause any serious damage.

Bruce and Co. were clever like that.

I struggled to my feet. My wrist hurt. I think maybe I twisted it when I fell over. I braced myself for the next installment of pain. Bruce's skinhead mate, Cracko, found a larger stone and handed it to Bruce, a unmerssiful grin on his face. Bruce hurled it at my face. I raised my hand to protect myself and the stone sliced open my flesh. Blood trickled out and I watched it fall and land on the floor.

Drip Drip Drip

"Grab her necklace!"

"Yeah, it'll be worth something will that on Ebay!"

Protectively, I clutched the pendant that I always wore around my neck with my injured hand. The pendant  was a large red stone encased in silver hands. The orgins of how I ended up with the necklace were unknown, but I had worn it ever since I was little. It stung a little as I encased it within my fist.

"G-g-give me b-back my bag!" I stuttered. Laughing Bruce and his mates ran across the road to the other side, jeering and waving my bag in the air, as if it was a prize they had just one.

"Give it!" I demanded, not as fiercely as I would of liked. My hand was still wrapped around my pendant, and also still bleeding. Self consiously, I removed my hand, but now the red colour in the pendant seemed more vibrant, more alive, as if the fire had just been relit.

"Come and geddit!" They yelled, a phrase I'd noticed they'd become more attached to.

With one big step, I walked out into the road.

Today would be the day I showed them. I would stand up for myself. I would tell them to go place themsleves where the sun don't shine. I would say "Hey you-"

That is if of course.

If I would of seen the bus coming my way the exact same time that I stepped out into the road.

The bus hit me with such force that I was tossed into the air. I felt all the weight fall away from my body. I was flying. My breath left me as I landed on the roof of the single decker bus. I heard my body thud on the roof of the bus. I blinked wearily-

Then it all went black.

I was stood. I saw a body lying lifelessly in front of me, drenched in it's own blood. It was me.

It doesn't have to be this way.

I looked around. I could see no-one exept my own empty shell.

Listen, I want to help you. You don't deserve the life you've been given. But now I can make all the pain, the hurt, the suffer go away. I can give you all the things you've dreamed of.

I can fix you.

I listened intently. It was too good to be true. It wasn't true, I told myself firmly.

"I can fix my own problems, thanks" I called out

Didn't look like it from where I was stood

"And where might that be" I asked

My whereabouts does not concern you. But all you need to know is, that if you wake up and survive,

Your life will be better.

Before I had chance to reply, I dropped to my knees and clutched my head. It hurt. I tried to hold on, but I couldn't. And I slipped away.



HIYA!!! Just to let you know, there will be another chapter and Hexyl..... wait and see!!!



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