Devil in Me

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"Love can save me?" I whispered

Thunderous laughter echoed in my head. Angel was done with my blood. He sealed up the wound again, and threw me to my bed. I landed in a heap.

*Bribes of blood will do you no good. It may keep you alive longer, but you will still perish*

I nodded, afraid, and Angel laughed in his deadly way, then disapeared from my head.

Love. What did it mean?

I pondered the prospect for many days. If it meant I had to love, then I was surely fine because what I felt for Aaron must be love, what else could it be? But, if another had to truly love me, then could Aaron be my saviour? I knew that he liked me, but could he love me? He had never hinted anything like that. I had liked him ever since I first met him, but he had only liked me for a short period of time. Too short. I didn't know how much time I had left alive, but I presumed that it wasn't a lot. Not enough to fall in love anyway.

If the worst came to the worst, and I would need the power of love to save me, I feared that this time,

Aaron would not be there to save me.

I was fearful. Angel was still draining my blood, but it was getting less and less. He was preparing for me to die.

Aaron, Shelia and the others were oblivious, and even if I told them, I doubted that they would believe me anyway. I mean, who would. I couldn't go and be all "Oh yeah, I went and made a deal with the devil and he's planning on killing me and the only thing that can save me is the power of love". It's not believable is it?

So life went on as normal. I would go to school, learn stuff, almost kiss Aaron, get interrupted by a teacher, learn more stuff, eat, go home, hit with the smell of incense, drained of my blood, scared, and go to sleep. Then, I would wake up, go to school, learn stuff and the whole process was repeated.

I was really beggining to worry now. I hadn't been drained for at least a week, maybe even longer. This couldn't be a good sign. Angel never went longer than 4 days without draining me. I figured I must of lost a lot of blood, and was too weak to be drained again, so the only other option was death. One bit I didn't understand was how would my death profit Angel. If I died, he lost his blood bank, so what did he gain?

When he visited me inside my head, like he did everynight, I couldn't resist the urge the ask him.

"How long have I got left?" I asked Angel, anxious about his response

*I do not wish to stress you with the burden of knowing*

"Oh, now you're being a gentleman" I sighed, before continuing to interrogate him. "What I don't understand is, why are you killing me? What do you gain from my death?"

*Your Soul. When you leave this earth, I shall take your Soul, and it will increase my power*

"Why my Soul. Can you not just go and steal someone elses Soul?".

*Who do you suggest I go and rob of their soul? Bruce? Cracko? Tamii? All the others who have ever made your life a misery?*

"No, but, what if you went and took the Souls of bad people? Like murderers? Or Kidnappers? Or Paedophiles? Then you'd get waht you want, and we'd be free of bad people?" I suggested

*So your suggesting that those people who have comitted these crimes are bad people? Can you really define a person by their actions*

"Well, no but their not exactly saints are they. And if it was a choice between a good person who had done nothing wrong, or a murderer who had killed someone, whose Soul would you steal?"

*I know the choice I would make. But what about you, what choice would you make?"

And with that, Angel left my head, leaving me to think about what he had said. Whose Soul would I steal? I knew the obvious choice, but I began to think about it on a deeper level. Maybe the murderer had to kill that person to protect their family? And maybe the good person had a deeper secret, and thats why they were being good, to make up for their sin. I tried to tell myself that I was reading too deeply into this, but somewhere inside me, I felt like maybe Angel was giving me a hint into how to save myself. Perhaps Angel was telling me that I could save my Soul if I gave him someone elses. But whose.

I considered Bruce. He was a bully, a smoker, he would probably never make anything from his life and I hated him.

But I could not let Angel kill him just to save myself.

This was my problem.

And I would find a way out of it.



Is Angel secretly trying to help Hexyl?

Can she find a way out?

Will Aaron save her?

Or will he let her down?






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