Devil in Me

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My lesson was Gym, not exactly my best subject. I could do all the things required, just not nessacerarily very well. Generally, I was picked last, but now, thanks to Angel, I hoped the tables had turned. I changed into my totally unflattering Gym kit, which had now shrunk, so that it now showed off my hidden curves. The white t-shirt had become a size smaller, and low cut, revealing my impressive boobs. The tacky blue shorts had become shorter, making my legs look longer and curvy. I pulled my curly red hair into a loose ponytail and left the changing rooms. I strutted down the corridor, looking like a supermodel. Boys whistled and made suggestive remarks, but I ignored them. My heart belonged to one guy only.

Who happened to be in my Gym class.

Casually,I entered the room, scanning my fellow classmates. I recieved envious glares from the girls and admiring stares from the guys. One guy in paticular.

I sat myself down next to Shelia and we began to whisper to one another. We were interupted when the teacher hollered at us to get into boy/girl pairings and began a warm up session before we moved onto our dance topic. Nervous, I looked for a guy partner, and was relieved when Aaron walked over and offered to be my partner. Yeah sure, I'd said, and now we were stood here in silence. Aaron began to do some strectches and I copied, unable to think of my own.

"Stop stealing my stretches!" He said, acting like it was a criminal offense.

"Stop stealing all the good ones then!" I protested

"Never! I was here first, so techincally, their my stretches!"

"Sure they are!" I scoffed "I was born first so if those key componants to fitness are going to be anyones, there gonna be mine" I lightly punched him on the shoulder.He grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me closer to him. Our chests collided and I was staring into his greeny brown coloured eyes. I closed my eyes and leaned towards him.

"Perfect positons for the First Dance. Keep up the good work you two"

I gritted my teeth. This was the second time a teacher had interupted my kiss with Aaron. I was starting to get sick of it. I really was.

"Thanks sir" I shouted after him sarcastically. Aaron was laughing at me.

"What?" I asked him as he continued to laugh. "Stop it! What? Tell me!

"Nothing! It's just you." He said, but I didn't get what he meant. He looked like he knew what he meant though, so whatever. Mr Sportif (yes really) showed us the steps and we preceeded to copy them. Several times we fell about laughing, and I stood on his toes more times than I'd like to admit to. I couldn't wait till lunch.

I was convinced thats when he was going to kiss me.

I imagined him sweeping me up in his muscular arms and pressing his lips to mine.

Then, I was in an unforgettable Vegas wedding which featured-

"Class dismissed!" Mr Sportif yelled at us.

 I hurried out of the class and headed to the changing rooms to get out of my gym clothes. I was ready and looking good in 5 minutes. Impressive time. I found Aaron waiting for me outside the Sports block. Chatting away, we strolled to the Canteen. Once we arrived, we sat together and ate lunch with the rest of our newly formed group. I noticed Aaron kept glancing at me. He was sat fairly close to me. I searched for his hand under the table and I took it in mine, giving it a soft squeeze. We stayed like that for 10 minutes, until lunch was over and it was time for form.

Together, our fingers still linked, we ventured down the corridor, recieving stares from other members in our year. I caught a glimpse of our reflection, and we looked good together. Other people thought so to. Randomers shouted encouragement at us. Aaron went very red, and I laughed at him. We reached my form, and Aaron pulled me closer to him, his hands round my waist. He leaned down and kissed......

My nose.



"That's all, for now" He whispered in my ear, and set off towards his own form. I stared after him, dumbfounded and also totally in awe. I had never been so happy.

After I'd sat through another hour of lesson, I walked home. I got halfway there when waiting for me was Bruce and Co.

They'd come for me.

I panicked and began to run, but they quickly caught up with me. They forcefully knocked me to the floor and Bruce leapt on top of me, pinning me down. I struggled, but against his brute force I was useless. I lay there helplessly while they laughed at my pain.

"You thought I wouldn't recognize you, didn't you Hexyl. Just because you've changed, doesn't change things between us". Bruce sneered at me stroking my cheek.

In a bid for self defence, I spat at him. He looked furious.

And I was slapped straight across the face.

Cold, harsh slaps on my face. One after another, slap slap slap.

 Tears were streaming down my face. I was in so much pain.

Suddenly, Bruce was tackled off of me. He was fighting with another guy.


Always there to save me.

Stumbling, I go to my feet and punched some guys in the stomach as they tried to haul Aaron off of Bruce.

"STOP IT, AARON, STOP IT PLEASE!" I begged, the insanity clear in my voice.

Ignoring me completley, Aaron and Bruce contiued to beat the snot out of each other. Without warning they broke apart, were thrown into the air and then thrown harshly onto the floor.

 I cried out as I saw blood leaking from Aaron.

"Angel" I cried "Angel stop it, you promised, you promised you wouldn't do anything to him! You lied, I break our deal! I don't need you!"

Suddenly, my necklace tightened, strangeling me. I fell to my knees, unable to breathe anymore. Scrambling, I clawed at the necklace, trying to prise it off me, but the more I pulled, the tighter it got.

"Help me, please, make it stop!" I begged Angel

*Not a chance*

"Please!" I sobbed

*Nobody breaks a deal with me. No loopholes, no getting out*

*It's Do or Die, Hexyl*

"I wanna live" I pleaded

*We all do Hexyl, we all do.....*



What does Angel mean?

Will Hexyl survive?

Is Aaron alright?

Will they ever kiss?








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