|Adrian ❤️ JC ~ Spin Off|

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Adrian's POV:

So this is where the Mogul reigns the world? I whistle. Magnificent. But the question is are you ready for me sweetcheeks?
Walking into Xiao Zhan Group of Hotels HQ, I find a cute receptionist patiently greeting everyone. Flashing her one best of my smile, charming her was definitely an easy cake, I enquire "Is Mr. Jiang Cheng in his office?"
She giggles softly and nods "Yes sir. Could you please state your name so I can intimate Mr. Jiang of your presence?"

"Ah, don't bother beautiful. Just want it to be a surprise for him." I wink and she giggles again. "He's currently in a meeting but you could wait for him in his office on the 20th floor. I'll buzz Ms. Byun, his secretary and inform her of your visit."

"Thanks beautiful" I wink and she visibly blushes.

Walking away from the reception area, I take an elevator for 20th floor and the sheer opulence of this place amazes me. No wonder Zhan's place looks like a museum. Didn't he once state that it was JC who decorated his house? I snicker at the thought of Wang decorating his favourite room. I was surprised at his audacity to ask me to accompany him to a "TOY" shop. Ahem, not that I had any problems. For what its worth, my auditor would be surprised to see my balance sheet.

"Mr. Adrian?" assuming his secratary is the one who is enquiring, I flash my go to smile and she for a moment stumbles, but with utmost grace corrects her posture instantly.
I nod and she guides me towards his office. "Mr. Jiang is in a meeting. Kindly wait inside." Stating that she leaves and I sigh. Like boss like employee. But this heart wishes to only beat for him. Darn. I need to be away from XiaoWang couple.

My phone rings and I grin at his name flashing on my screen. "Just thinking of you?" On hearing his gasp I chuckle "Aren't you there for my brother? It won't do good Adrian if you think of another man!" Zhan mock yells and I here Wang's groan from behind.

"What do you want Zhan?" Taking a seat on the couch I make myself comfortable.

"Just wanted to know how you were doing?" He whisper and Wang butts in from behind "Liar! He wanted to know if you were doing JC yet?"

"Fuck you BoBo" he yells back and Wang retorts "I want you to fuck me but all you wanted to know was if Adrian is boinking your brother."

These two... I couldn't control my laughter.

"Adrian well I would love to chat with you more but seems someone needs to be disciplined. Talk to you later" and even before he cancels the calls, I heard Wang moan. Oh Dear.

Just then the door opens and JC walks in. His steps falter when he sees me sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here?"

"Obviously waiting for you, sweetcheeks." I stress and he huffs.

"What do you want Adrian?" He folds his arms and I flash my droolworthy smile "You." Rolling his eyes he shakes his head "Those won't work on me Adrian."

Oh I love this cat and mouse game.

Walking over to where he was standing, I slowly corner him and press him against the wall "What would work for you, Meng Bao?"

His subtle gasp makes my heart flutter and as his gaze meets mine, I detect soft sweet affection for me. Trust me Meng Bao and it will be worth it.

"Meng Bao?" He enquires softly and I nod. "Yes, Meng Bao, cute baby." Before he could reply, his phone rings and I move away.

"Yeah Baba?" He listens to what is being said and his eyes trail back to mine "Alright. I'll be there." Pocketing the phone inside his jacket he sighs "I need to meet my Dad for dinner."

Untameable ( Wang Yibo x Xiao Zhan) ThrillerWhere stories live. Discover now