🧸56th part🧸

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After hours of waiting the doctor came out of the room. "Doctor how is she?" Mr.Gray asked. "She just woke up. You can go and see her." He said and we all went to her. When I went in,I saw those beautiful green eyes and I immediately smiled. "Omg Emmy!" Cameron said and hugged her. "Thanks God that you are okay!" He kissed her forehead and she giggled. "Daddy's princess." Mr.Gray said and kissed her head and then Mrs.Gray hugged her. I made a step closer to her. "Hi Emmy..." I said and took her hand. She looked at me confused and then to our hands. "Ehm sorry but do I know you?" She asked and I got hurted. "Emmy I know that you don't wanna talk to me,but please don't play like this." "I'm sorry,but I have never seen you in my life." She said and I got shocked. "Doctor what's happening?" I asked worried. "I forgot to mention that she hitted her head very bad and this caused her to forget some things or people." He said and it's like my head is under water. She can't forget me..."Did you really forget me that easy?" I said and she looked at me without any emotion. She looked down and I just couldn't hold my tears. I went out of the room,and sat on a chair in the corridor. I put both of my hands on my head and looked down. I can't believe it...This proves that I was nothing to her...She won't remember our kiss,she won't remember that night when she showed me the real her...I know that some of you might say that it's better that Emmy lost her memory so she won't remember why she was mad at me,but as long as she doesn't remember that day,I can't be happy...Suddenly I felt a tap on my back and saw my mum looking worried at me. "Honey why are you so sad?" She asked but I didn't answer. "Martinus,I'm your mother. You can trust me." She said and I sighed. "I love Emmy...A day before she finally showed that she likes me too...But now she doesn't remember me..."I said and felt like crying again. "Aww my boy don't be sad. You'll see that she will remember about you faster than you think." She said and I hugged her tight. "Thanks mum. I really needed that." I said and both of us smiled.

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