Part 22

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*9 am*
You: *wakes up and changes*

*morning**9 am*You: *wakes up and changes*

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Colby: *wakes up* I- you look nice!

You: thanks.... I'm going on a walk around LA for a bit.... won't be back till 4

Colby: so like 7 hours?

You: yeah... I just want to look around and all....

Colby: no yeah ok... be back safe!

You: yeah. *takes a step and cries a little because of the pain on her ankle* fuc- duck!

Colby: you ok?

You: yeah yeah! *leaves*

*4 blocks away*
You: *at a coffee shop* can I get the mocha? Thanks! *pays* *sees a girl* I like your outfit!

Girl: que? (Translation: what?)

You: oh right.... Me gusta tu ropa (I like your outfit/clothes)

Girl: Aww gracias (translation: aww thanks)

You: No hay problema (translation: No problem)

Andrea: hey y/n! Did you get my coffee?

You: oh shoot..... no sorry.... I was 2 dollars short

Andrea: oh it's fine! I'm here now. Wait! Who's this? You both look alike

You: I actually don't know.... I just met her but I like her outfit

Andrea: actually yeah! She looks like the 14 version of you... ofc I didn't know you when you were 14 but you look the same

Girl: what?

Yo: Wait you speak English?

Girl: yeah... it's just that my brother likes to tell on me.... and he doesn't know much Spanish so yeah...

Andrea: wow.... what's your names?

Girl: me- *gets a call* sorry I have to go... vamos mikey, mamá nos quiere en casa ahora (Translation: Let's go Mikey, mom wants us home now)

You: Mikey....? That sounds familiar....

Andrea: what?

You: never mind! Let's just get your coffee and go

Andrea: yeah!

(11 am)
You: so we've been walking since 9... where next?

Andrea: brunch?

You: I'm not really hungry....

Andrea: what's going on? Why aren't you hungry?

You: nothing.... just not hungry right now..... maybe at 2-4 I'll be hungry? I don't know... what's wrong but I'm not hungry

Andrea: what's going on at the Trap house?

You: nothing! I'm serious, I'm fine!

Andrea: but I will feel bad eating without you

You: go ahead!

Andrea: you sure?

You: yeah

Andrea: ok well I still need to finish packing so let's go to my house and can you help me?

You: yeah....

Andrea: ok

You: let's walk tho

Andrea: what?!? It's like at lest 3-4 miles away from where we're standing

You: by that time we both will be starving....

Andrea: I mean true... ok let's do it!

You: *sighs* *whispers* I'm gonna miss this....

Andrea: what?

You: huh? Oh nothing... *fakes a smile*

Andrea: oh I thought you said something

You: *nervously laughs* noooo why would I?

Andrea: *shrugs* anyways let's head into this store!

You: ok!

*the store*
Andrea: this is cute. Should we get a matching shirt?

You: YE- uh- It would be nice but I don't want to waste your money...

Andrea: you're acting weird! Oooo! Look at that Dress!

You: *walks over to a dress*

Andrea: *grabs something and pays for it right away to hide it*

You: yeah it's a cute dress... if only....

Andrea: if only what?

You: *jumps* if- if only it came in my size...

Andrea: oh...

You: let's start walking back to your house now

Andrea: ok sure

It was so hard not to say anything about the deal I made but then again I can't of all my friends would suffer because of me..... I've already caused so much pain to most of them.... I've made Colby and Sam fight about 10 times and all the boys fight with each other and I made drama in the fandoms because I was in Corey's Live with his hoodie and now I feel like Devyn hates me because she might think I have something going on with corey and I don't want her to think that because she's my new friend and there is nothing going on.... and all the drama with Sarah and Dan... I mean it would make sense if Dan was her dad.... I just wish Steve is still "working" with dan so he can help me get out... I can't go back.... but if I hide they'll still find me... and who was that girl from earlier? And her little brother Mikey? I swear I remember the name Mikey..... Oh wait!!! That's my baby brother's name!!! Mikey!!! Did I just meet Mikey? No.... him and mom died! I remember from that day hearing gun shots in the alleyway and screams.... I...I... no that's not Mikey..... if it was who was that girl with him? What was her name? Fuck I don't remember!! Me- Mel?!? Was that Mel? No.... Melissa was with grandma and grandpa.... In Santa Cruz.... unless mom survived and got help? And then wants to grandma and grandpa....? If that was Mikey and Melissa (Mel is short for Melissa) then..... mom is still dead? Oh I mean Alive...... I can be dumb sometimes.... wait if that was them... MOM IS STILL ALIVE!!! Omg.... I...I still have family.... but again if that was possibly them I wouldn't ever meet them or see them again since that deal.... fuck.... why does everything have to be so difficult!!! I...I.. I can't think clearly now.... I think I just found my family... after 5-6 years of being kidnapped.... wow...

*2 miles away from Andreas house*
Andrea: y/n! Y/N!!

You: *snaps out of it* sorry... I was zoned out

Andrea: clearly... but let's hurry! I'm starving!! I can't walk anymore! I'm really hungry and I really have to Pee...

You: l...let's stop at that Juice place!

Andrea: ok! Order us 2 smoothies?

You: 4?!?

Andrea: no I'm saying one for you and one for me!!

You: oh right! Ok!

*juice place*
Andrea: *goes to the bathroom*

You: can I get mango and dragon fruit passion smoothie? And a plane Strawberry and banana and *orders other stuff into the plane Smoothie*

Ok so I hope you liked the chapter! And do you think that was Melissa and Mikey? Did you just find your family after being kidnapped for 6 years of your life? And Is mom and then ok? Do they still worry about you after these years? Are they still looking for you? Or did they just move on with their lives and forget about you.... anyways
Love you potato's!

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