Part 50

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Sam: *runs down* whoa! What happened?

Colleen: *crying*

Jake: I- omg Colleen are you ok?

Corey: what happened Colby? What did you do?

Colby: I was on the phone Bc someone called me and then she was trying to cut the apple and I tried taking it from her and I told her to let it go and I fell backwards and she like cut it stabbed herself!

Sam: did you call y/n?

Jake: *gets car ready*

Colby: I did but she said to leave her alone.... Sam she's not doing good! She explained why Colleen is always crying when she comes over.... I'm afraid she'll do something....

Corey: Colleen we have to pick you up ok?

Colleen: *crying* yeah...

Colby: *helps Corey and Sam take Colleen to Jakes Car*

*4 hours later*
*7 pm*
*trap house*

Colby: be careful walking! Your stitches will brake and you will need more

Colleen: ok daddy... *goes to Colbys room and watches Tv*

Sam: how did it go?

Colby: it was ok... hey can you guys watch her?

Jake: I was gonna hey us all Taco Bell.... and something for Tara since she's coming over...

Sam: sure!

Corey: where are you going colby?

Colby: to talk to y/n

Corey: I'll go too!

*Your apartment*
*8:30 pm*
Colby: *knocks on door*

Corey: y/n

You: *out of it* *super drunk* *takes pills and then goes to bathroom in her room and turns on bath and then Cuts legs, thighs, wrist, hands* *sits in the bathtub and slides all the way down the tube trying to drown and bleed out like hanna baker* (Sorry I had to add the hanna baker method.....)

Colby: y/n! Open up!

Corey: maybe she's asleep?

Colby: or she's taking pills and cutting! *trying to brake door down*

Corey: what? What do you mean?

Colby: SHES SUICIDAL COREY!! Colleen crys every day because y/n is drinking and get high and taking pills! And she's cutting!! Colleen sees all of that!!! Why do you think she is always around me? And she wants to stay with y/n all the time to make sure y/n doesn't so stupid shit!!! She tried hanging herself in front of Colleen!!!! 3 days ago!!!!! Colleen had to run up the stairs before y/n choked to death!! She almost died!!!! Colleen is scared to call y/n's family. And they left 2 months ago back to Mexico!! All of them!! Colleen has to take care of her own mother!! Colleen is 4!!

Corey: I.... omg... I didn't know that...

Colby: yeah! *throwing all his weight against the door*

You: *drowning and bleeding out*

Corey: *brakes door down with Colby*

Colby: *looks upstairs*

Corey: *looks in Colleens room and the bathroom* nope!

Colby: *goes into y/n's room* *hears water flowing* *brakes door down* COREY!!!

Corey: *runs in and helps Colby take y/n out the bath* *looks for a towel and covers y/n* I'll call an ambulance! *calls* *goes into the kitchen and sees a note saying to move out in 20 days.*  fuck...

Colby: *does CPR* come on! Wake up!!!

You: *motion less*

Corey: they're 10 minutes away!!

Colby: *gets a hoodie of y/n's and puts it on her covering her body* *places y/n on towel and drags her with Corey to the elevator to outside*


Colby: *doing CPR* please wake up!!!

Corey: here they come!!

Medics: *gets down fast and gets gurney and puts y/n on it and has Colby go with them to explain*

Corey: *calls friends over to help pack everything up for y/n and Colleen*


*10 pm*

Colby: *sitting in the waiting room* *shaking and nervous*

Sam: *runs in the hospital with Katrina and Tara and Jake*

*10 minutes before*

Sam: *drops Colleen off with Corey*

*at the Hospital*

Sam: what happened?

Tara: are you ok!

Katrina: what was she doing?

Jake: and why?

Colby: I went and I saw pills all over her bedroom floor, tequila glass bottles, the big ones. Razors and then I went into the bathroom... *starts crying a little* she tried drowning, while drunk and her wrist slit open... Colleen has to see that every day..... Colleen doesn't want to stay me or come to the house because she has to protect y/n because she will try everything..... Colleen saved her like 4 days ago..... it was 4 am and y/n almost died...

Katrina: oh no.... *starts crying*

Sam: no... I'm sorry Colby... *hugs Colby* oh your wet....

Colby: I got her out the bathtub.... the water was dark red.... her body so cold..... you can tell she is sick..... worse than I was.....

Tara: *cries* poor y/n

Jake: *hugs Tara* you were bad...

Sam: WORSE?!? Is there anything you can do to help her?

Colby: that's the thing! She doesn't want it! She's getting evicted!! She has to leave in 20 days...

Katrina: no....

Tara: why?

Colby: I don't fucking know!! Of yeah, maybe because SHES TRYING TO KILL HERSELF?!?

Jake: Colby calm down!

Colby: Sorry Tara...... *pacing back and forth*

Katrina: *goes with Tara to ask about y/n*

Sam: look are you ok?

Colby: my daughter's mother almost died!! No!

Jake: don't yell it out! There might be fans...

Colby: so?!? I don't care anymore!!

Sam: maybe we an take her to the mental hospital? The same one you went to?

Colby: she won't want to go!!!

Jake: we can call her parents!!

Sam: yeah! Corey has her moms and sisters number! He spent 3 weeks with them like 3 months ago!

Colby: Wait where is Colleen?!? *panicking*

Jake: with Corey...

Colby: WHERE HER MOM ALMOST DIED?!? FUCK! YOU GUYS!! *runs out the hospital*

Sam: *runs after Colby* Look! Katrina and Tara can take care of her at the house! She'll be safe!

Tara: yeah!

Katrina: we'll make sure she's ok

Colby: *panicking and crying* fuck....

Sam: can you go and take her to the house?

Katrina: yeah! *kisses Sam goodbye*

Does Colby still love you?
Who knows.... 😏
Love you potato's!

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