Part 76

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*3 hours later*
*back room*

Doctor: ok so mam'n how are you doing now?

You: it hurts and I'm scared....

Doctor: ok so it looks like you and baby did get hurt but it's not major! So we have 2 choices for you... one ether get surgery and fix your 2 broken rib cages and that is extremely hard even more that you're pregnant! And 2 don't get surgery and have pain until you are able to have surgery again and that will be 6 months after childbirth and you won't be able to do much stuff... but the surgery now will hurt a lot after and will take time and you'll have to stay for at least 2-3 days here. Ether way both will be extremely painful but this is your decision

You: wh..what about my boyfriends?

Doctor: yes technically but I just wanna make sure you wanna make your mind clear o-

You: can you bring my mom in instead please?

Doctor: yes!

*when your mom gets to you*

You: mom!

Your mom: hunny! Ok what are the choices?

You: *explains*

Your mom: choose the first one.... you will be weak for a few months... mostly for 4 months and I had to do the same thing... it's for the best but it's your choice

You: ok yeah

Doc: ok can you prepare her for surgery then?

Your mom: yes!

*30 minutes later*
(So half of this chapter got deleted... 🙄 bare with me cuz this is gonna be of crappy chapter cuz it's from memory)

Colby: *gets up and runs to Y/ns mom* what happened?

Your mom: she's going into surgery right now... but you all should leave and get rest. Cuz she's gonna get tired and she's gonna need rest and you all haven't ate so you should go home and rest

Colby: I can't just leave her here alone!!!

Your mom: oh yes you can! And she's not alone! I'll be here and Celia and Melissa. And Corey I will update you or ether Celia will. So please go now

Colby: no! I love her and she shouldn't be facing this alone!

Your mom: I am saying for you to leave cole.

Colby: I won't I can't leave my wife here alone!

Your mom: yes you will and wife? I don't remember you asking for my blessing to marry my daughter. And I didn't see a ring on her finger. Nor remember her changing her last name.... and to think about it do you even know her full name? I don't think you do.

Katrina: *whispers to Sam* awww Colby called her wife

Sam: *whispers* I know

Corey: awww

Colby: well I'm not leaving her

Your mom: oh yes you will!

Colby: you won't make me

Your mom: *laughs and walks closer to colby to whisper something in his ear* you know I am still y/ns mom and she will always listen to me right? I have the power to make her brake up with you forever so don't test me because I will not hesitate to brake you both apart and you will never see her, Colleen and your new baby... I'll just snap my fingers and you will lose them... *backs up*

Colby: you wouldn't dare

Your mom: oh really? Try me cole... Try me.. *bumps into Colby and walks to the others but stops* and You know it's not only you who is suffering with what happened to her... *turns around*

Colby: what?

Your mom: yeah..., your daughter. Colleen? Yeah remember her? I don't think you do because you never spend time with her nor pay attention to her. You know how she feels about it? No because you don't talk to her so I'd suggest you leave and help your daughter and deal with the stuff going on in her life like getting Beat up and bullied.... yeah did you know that? No so leave... Kat you know where her keys are if you're all going there.

Kat: yeah

Sam: yeah we could stay there cuz it's closer right?

Your mom: yeah! So go there and if you do need anything from my house Colleen has my spare keys ok?

Corey: ok thanks

Sam: yeah!

*your house*'
Caleb: *packing*

Tara: *puts food in kitchen with Corey*

Jake: *sits on couch*

Katrina: *setting the coffee table for the food*

Colby: what are you doing here?

Caleb: packing

Colby: good! Leave no one wants you here

Sam: Colby!!

Colleen: Unlce Caleb!

Caleb: hey Colleen! *hugs Colleen*

Colleen: why are you packing?

Caleb: *looks up at Colby then Colleen* I have to leave to buy you the most expensive gift but I won't be gone for long ok? I'll be back on your birthday ok?

Colleen: yeah

Colby: it would be best if you never did...

Caleb: *stands up* what was that?

Colby: I said never come back! We hate you Caleb!

Caleb: ok and?

Colby: what are you even doing here?

Caleb: I live here with y/n...

Colby: *rolls eyes* ok can you leave now!

Caleb: really I didn't now..

Colby: leave or I will kick your ass

Caleb: I'd like to see you try..

Colby: ok let's head outside

Colleen: *getting mad*

Caleb: *notices*

Colby: let's go!

Caleb: I wouldn't do tha-

Colleen: CAN YOU JUST STOP?!? He messed up with mom ok?!? You're acting like you never hurt mom!

Caleb: what do you mean?

Colby: what? I never did

Colleen: oh yeah? I heard her crying because you had her wrists and wouldn't let go and she was telling you to stop and you didn't and you hit her! You were drunk but you'd till hurt her! So don't try acting stupid because you knew about it too!

Sam: Colby? Is that true

Katrina: excuse me?

Jake: shi

Tara: Jake don't get involved

Corey: what?!?!

Colby: I never did that Colleen

Colleen: like you never pay any attention to my life? Yeah exactly... uncle Caleb

Caleb: you're lucky I don't want charges... *leaves with Colleen*

Love you potato's!

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