Part 61

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You: the RV will be here in 30 minutes! In the tim-

Melissa: you got 12 Tomboy outfits and also comfy warm clothes

Ceila: and 12 stylish outfits for a day out!

You: thank you!!! Colleen did you get your bag ready?

Colleen: yeah.

You: ok good! Well I made some lunch sooo you can eat some!

Your mom: Celia, Melissa, can you both go walking to the store across the street with 3 ice chest and fill them up with Water and some sodas? And ice...

Melissa: sure...

Ceila: ok!

You: the ice chest (I give up... I spellty if wrong but wgaf?) are in the back yard!

Melissa: *leaves with Celia*

*30 minutes later*

Your Manger: ok so happy birthday week! And good luck!

You: thank youuuuu!

Melissa: *putting her suitcase and Celia's on there bed they're sharing*

Mikey: *does the same for him and Colleen* (they'll be sharing a bed)

Your mom: *carrying and putting the ice chest in the RV* *putting Pots and pans in the RV and snacks*

Your manger: *leaves*

You: *gets on and closes door* whoaaaa this is amazing!

Your mom: yeah! So Obed and I will have that bottom bed and Mikey will have the middle and Colleen the top bed

Your mom: yeah! So Obed and I will have that bottom bed and Mikey will have the middle and Colleen the top bed

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You: ok sure... where will I and Melissa and Celia and Caleb stay?

Your mom: you will share with Caleb! And look behind you

You: *turns around and looks at ten corner*

You: *turns around and looks at ten corner*

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Celia: we choose the top bed!

You: good with me! *puts suit case on the side of the couch*

Your mom: *gets in the front and starts driving*

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