Part 88

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Colleen: *helps Abbey up and runs* split up! Meet me back at the phone pole in 30 minutes!

Abbey: *runs different direction*

Colleen: *runs*

Jake: I'll go after Abbey! *follows abbey*

Sam: Colleen!!! *runs*

*1 hour later*
*8 pm*
*phone poll*

Colleen: abbey?

Abbey: Colleen! *hugs Colleen*

Colleen: what happened?

Abbey: I fell and scraped my knee really bad! I... I don't know what to do! It hurts!

Colleen: this way!


Colleen: *gets A small med kit that Y/n put in* *fixes Abbey scrapped knee and bandages it* ok if you don't want to continue we can go back!

Abbey: no! It's ok!

Colleen: you sure?

Abbey: yes!

*12 pm*
Colleen: *running*

Abbey: hurry they're after us!!!

Colleen: *pulls Abbey to a dark alley way and gets out clothes and changes with Abbey*

*2 am*

Colby: *panicking*

Sam: she's gonna was ok Colby! We'll find her! Corey and Jake are out still looking! I can call the police if you want!

Colby: I-

Colleen: *runs in the room with Abbey and falls to the ground*

Abbey: *breathing hard*

Colleen: hey.... *lays on the floor*

Abbey: *lays down on the floor*

Colby: Colleen?!? Abbey?!?

Colleen: sorry dad.....

Sam: *calls Jake and Corey*

Abbey: sorry...

Colleen: by the some how found out andddd

Colby: fuck...

Abbey: and-

Colleen: *gets up and Looks out the window* *gets suite cases and packs them again with the passports and stuff* Uncle Sam? Dad?!?

Colby: what are you doing?

Colleen: No time! You both go to the cafe that's open all night that's down the block and book a flight now... and tell uncle Corey and Jake to go there too! Now go out the Window!!!

Sam: why?

Abbey: just goooo!!

Colleen: trust me Dad and Uncle Sam! Please!

Colby: not unti-

Sam: Colby.... let her explain later? Now go down first to make sure you do go

Colby: fine! Text me or call!! *goes down the escape stairs on the side of the building*

Abbey: we will!

Colleen: watch out! *throws the all the suitcases*

Sam: what? Why Colleen

Colleen: questions later!  Now go

Sam: fine... *goes down*

Abbey: *what now?

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