Part 90

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*living room*

Katrina: *looking at nails and picking them* *gets shy*

You: what? Spill it! *hands Katrina a mug with tea* and that should help you! *sits down next to Katrina*

Katrina: thanks.... I don't know how to say this...

You: say what? Ok but honestly once I'm no longer pregnant you wanna work out together to get rid of our Flab? I mean I can't pull it off... but you can but I just wan-

Katrina: *mumbles*

You: huh? Speak up I can't hear you

Katrina: I won't be able to work out with you....

You: what? Why? What's wrong?

Katrina: I found out a few weeks ago....

You: FOUND OUT WHAT?!? you're scaring me kat..

Katrina: *looks down and then reaches her purse and hands something to y/n*

You: *looks at what Katrina gave her* *gasps* WHAAAAAAT?!? Wait... no.... this is a joke right?

Katrina: no....

You: OH MY GOD!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! *hugs Katrina* wh- what are you gonna do?

Katrina: I don't know!! I mean I'm barely 21 and can live by myself and Sams 24 already and been talking about having kids at 30 or something but... I don't know what to do.... I don't know if or how to tell him... what if he do-

You: first off 21 isn't bad...... I mean I had Colleen at 18.... and I still had nothing to fall back on. You do. You have a apartment, Friends who can help you, second if you have any doubts about it think it through about the positive and negatives, 3rd if Sam doesn't want to own up or help you Leave his sorry ass! Because we don't want a short dick man who's good for nothing!

Katrina: but he's not a short dick man...

You: anyways...... If he doesn't want to help you forget about him. It's his fault if he doesn't want to help out with his kid..... you don't need him if he doesn't want to help.... plus you can get that monthly check.... and if you don't tell him you never will.... he has to know... even if he does or doesn't want a part of your baby's life he has the right to know....

Katrina: yeah but I'm scared

Celia: just tell him!

Mel: straight up. But like "I'm pregnant"

You: see Katrina. We all are here for you!

Mel: when was the last time?

Katrina: a week before he and the others left... that's what I'm scared....

You: look, was scared too..... Colleen was 4 when she meet Colby..... I was scared of what he would do or say.... because it was only me and her before he came and decided to stay and help, does he mess up? Yes but he knows it and still try's to make things right! And I Know Sam.... I know he cares about you deeply! It would brake his hart if he found out by someone else or another way!

Katrina: bu-

You: no. Katrina you have to tell him.

Celia: yeah Whenever they get back you have to tell him.

You: Who and who knows besides us 4?

Katrina: us 4.....

You: wait am I the first to know?

Katrina: yeah

You: aww. But look, I'll be here every step of the way whenever ok? Even Late nights! If you can't handle the pressure of Living Alone or anything you can always move in with us! I mean I haven't even made the nursery so it's a guest bedroom right now! And I'll have the crib or something in my room for Jr for a few months until he and Colleen can share

Katrina: thanks y/n.... and yeah... I'll talk to him

You: and if Sam does stupid shit tell me and I will beat his ass! If not me, Colby will.....

Katrina: *laughs* yeah....

You: but he wouldn't leave you alone or leave you to deal with it alone.... and My mom will always be happy to help you as well! If you want you can stay the night

Katrina: yeah thank you

You: no problem

Mel: well I'm bored so ima build the Crib

Celia: oooo me too!

You: ok

Katrina: what now?

You: we can watch a movie or something?

Katrina: sure

*2 am*

You: *wakes up and goes to the bathroom* fuck..... *gets phone and goes on Tiktok and makes one in the bathroom* *posts it*

*3 am*
You: *goes to kitchen to get left over pizza* *goes live* hey everyone! I know it's super late but I woke up an hour again because some one is hungry *laughs* oops... I have to be quite.... every one is sleeping.... so I made this live because well..... any moment I can pop the baby out anyways I'm bored. And oh... so OG subscribers from when I was 18 until now know my story.... but I haven't been fully honest...... my video is up now so go watch it and then come join my live again so I can explain

*3: 30 am*
You: *live* ok so my father did abuse me and my mom and siblings..... and *talks for another 20 minutes* so before I woke up I had a dream of everything happening again..... like all the memories from back then.... and I've had this feeling as if someone is watching my every move.... if anything happens to me Call the cops..... anyways enough about me what about you all? How are you?

*5 am*
You: bye! *ends live* *goes to office* *listens to music and starts to write a song*

Love you potato's!

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