36. Mr. Oh-So-Psycho!

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"What nonsense!" I exclaimed at his ridiculous action and thought.

"How grateful!" He taunted.

"Excuse me? And what should I be grateful for? Your stupid reasoning or crazy actions? You need help Mr. Malhotra. " I told him sternly and he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah exactly, I need help with eating, so c'mon feed me. I'm hungry Mrs. Malhotra. " He made a sad face and I gave him a ridiculous look.

"You are impossible Mr. Malhotra,  totally impossible. And please stop calling me Mrs. Malhotra,  it makes me sound like some middle aged Warden." I requested and he frowned.

"This is what your name is now Mrs. Malhotra,  deal with it and can stop wasting time and feed me already? I'm damn hungry Nandini. "

I know I hate him, I know he's crazy, I know he is inhuman but there's something with the way he takes my name, I don't know exactly what it is, but he just makes it sound so much beautiful,  it's unreal! May be it's his accent or the way he kinda stretches 'dini', I can't exactly point out what it is, but it's just beautiful.

"Are you really gonna let me starve like this now? Feed me!" I was brought out of my trance by his words.

"I'm not feeding you." I told him taking the food.

"Which school did you go to?" I was surprised by his question.


"Just tell me." He insisted.

"St. Paul's. " I told him.

"Didn't they teach you basic manners there?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I know where this is going Mr. Malhotra and to answer your question,  they did teach us to help those in need but I don't remember them teaching that we should help a Monster too." I told him bluntly and he smirked.

"You know, the longer you'll keep me starving, for the same duration your sister will be deprived of her medicines." I was again disgusted.

"How inhuman can you be?" I asked in disgust.

"Well well Nandini,  didn't you just called me a Monster? Why expect humanity then?" He asked raising his eyebrows and I clenched my teeth.

Having no option left, I fed him and he had this widest grin on his face the whole time.

"Well, I'm done. He announced and I put the plate back in the trolley.

He smirked and began undressing the bandages of his hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked frowning.

"Don't need them anymore." He said before taking them off and my eyes widened seeing his hands.

They were alright! No harm done.

"What the!" I was extremely confused.

And he chuckled. He freaking chuckled! What the hell is he even trying to do?

"Well, it was fun, just a little mind game  and getting you to feed me. We should do it on a daily basis,  just husband wife things." He was grinning again.

"Why?" I couldn't say anything else.

"For fun,what else." He smirked and I looked at him in disbelief.

"You-" I just didn't know what to say anymore.

"I know,  I know I'm crazy Mrs. Malhotra and that keeps you worried but don't worry Wifey, self harm ain't my jam." He told and winked before leaving the room.

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