45. The Name!

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5 more chapters and then we'll complete a 50. Unbelievable! Thanks for bearing  me for so long😂

Reports are normal. Doesn't looks suspicious at all.

I reread Navya's text for the fifth time but I still can't keep calm. I don't know what's keeping me worried even after the reports being normal.

If not for her health, then why is Manik keeping Nimmi hidden like that? Why so much security? Urg! Damn you Mr. Malhotra!

I leaned my elbow on the coffee table and pressed my cheek on my palm, sighing and as soon as I closed my eyes, I heard my cellphone ring.

Head Of Evil

The caller id flashed on my screen, vexating me already. Reluctantly, I received the call with an annoyed "Hello".

"You sound like you are missing me too much already." His cocky self was back.

"Definitely. Who won't miss the person who tortures them day and night both mentally and physically. There is no way I won't miss you." He brings out a really different person out of me.

I was never this sarcastic before I met him, I always had better things to do than taunting people. Actually, I always had better things to do than talking to people but this man, he brings out the side of me, which even I was unaware of.

"Well I don't blame you Wifey, when your husband is a ten out of ten, there was no way you would'nt miss him anyway. But you will be shocked to know that despite you being a six out of ten, I was still missing you. True love you see?" Okay.

"Really?" I asked.

"Definitely. " He replied.

"But then what's good in being a 'ten out of ten' if you can't stay too long without a 'six out of ten'?" I asked and heard him chuckle.

"They say love is blind Mrs. Malhotra... and so is revenge." He replied causing me to roll my eyes.

"Number one, no one says that and number two, it's not love, it's karma, you get what you deserve. You deserve a six out of ten and I deserve a ten out of ten. And number three, just come to the point, why have you called?" I asked getting bored with the conversation.

"Damn firework, take a break from exploding for once, will you? I just called to ask about your feet. Are they fine?" He asked.

"Yeah, I can walk slowly. They are healing." I told him honestly.

"Good, but that doesn't mean you'll go around roaming in the house, just take rest. Also I have asked Victoria to click a picture of it and send it to me when she dresses the wound, so don't freak out  when you see her taking the picture." He informed causing me to frown.

"Why do you need a picture?" I asked muddled.

"To listen to it. Obviously to see it." He said in an obvious tone.

"Thank you Captain Obvious but why do you want to see it?" I asked him clearly.

"That's none of your concern. Also tell your friend to wait till next week, she'll only be able to see Nalini after I return, till then, no." So he knew!

"You knew?" I asked kinda knowing his response.

"You had a doubt?" He questioned back.

"So you know everything?" I know what you don't know Mr. M. Malhotra.

"Absolutely. " He replied with a cocky tone.

"What's my father's name?" I asked smirking.

"Which one?" I was stunned at his question.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" I asked fuming.

"I meant your adoptive father or biological?" My frown deepened at his question.

"You-you know about my biological father?" I asked stuttering.

Even I don't know his name.

"Of course Nandini, I know about you more than you know about yourself. " I was speechless for a moment.

He knows about my biological father, that means he knows about my biological parents, who are they, where are they, he must know it all. But how? Even I don't know about all that.

"Hello? Are you there?" He asked and I came out of my reverie.

"Yeah. How?" I couldn't utter more.

"Well, The Manik Malhotra. " He replied with his infamous line.

"This is not possible, even I don't know about them. Are you messing with me?"  I asked demurring.

"Of course not. Now tell me, which father's name do you want to know?" He asked again and I gulped.

"B-biological." I replied feeling a sudden churning in my stomach.

I was feeling this weird sensation in my chest and a peculiar fear and excitement at the same time.

"Dr. Mridul Khanna." I exhaled deeply at his words.

My father was a doctor? A doctor! Mridul Khanna. Dr. Mridul Khanna. It sounds so good, so close. I felt tears forming in my eyes. But how do I trust this man? What if he just made this up? What if he's messing with my head?

"Why should I trust you?" I asked wiping my tears.

"That's totally up to you if you want to trust me or not." I groaned at his answer.

"Manik stop playing with me for God's sake!" I yelled half crying.

"I'm not playing with you Nandini, not at all. It's you who can't trust me, it's a 'you' problem, not a 'me' problem. " He told me bluntly and I sobbed.

"Just tell me you are saying the truth, that you know about my biological parents. Please Manik, please assure me." I begged not able to control my emotions.

"I'm telling you the truth Nandini and you would have known this if had ever looked at your birth certificate." He told me leaving me completely muddled.

"Birth certificate? But I don't have one, I'm an orphan, I mean I was in an orphanage as a child." I told him and heard him chuckle.

"There you go again Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra. Didn't I tell you, I know more about you than you yourself." He reminded and I understood this. He definitely knows more than I do. There are so many things that  I'm unaware of, even about myself.

But the question is same again, why should I believe him?

"Will you just tell me how do you know all of this?" I asked him getting tired of all these things.

"Well not so easy. I already told you a big thing, your father's name. Cherish that, until we meet. And now I definitely have better things to do, so goodbye Wifey. Take complete bed rest." He bid his goodbye and disconnected the call without waiting for my response.

Dr. Mridul Khanna. This name rang in my ears as I closed my eyes. Nandini Khanna, daughter of Dr. Mridul Khanna. This was supposed to be like this but it never happened. I knew nothing about him until a few minutes ago. My biological father, the person I'm a part of, the man who should have been there when I grew up, the person who's name should have been associated with my mine, my father.

The man I knew nothing about and even right now I know nothing else, except his name, which might be a lie too. Why is life like this? What have I done to deserve all this?


Double update! Hope you liked the surprise 🤩

Anyways, Nandini is in a situation where she can't trust Manik but wants to. What do you think? Is he stating the truth or is it one of his ways of playing with Nandini's head?

Don't forget to share your view with me. I love to hear from you guys❤

Hope you are liking the story so far.


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