38. This Is What I Want!

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"Are you sure Navya?" I asked eating the apple the maid brought for me.

"Yes Nandini, don't lose hope, I've asked her numerous times, Nimmi will be fine. The doctors are coming today and I think you should be here too." She said and I looked at my injured feet.

I still haven't told Navya about what he did to my feet and I won't tell her till  I'm able to walk again or else she'll get really worried and pester me about coming here to see me, which I'm sure the Monster won't like and it'll also be against my mission Boring The Monster.

"I wish I could be there Navya, but I can't upset him about anything when it comes to Nimmi's treatment. And I'm really sorry for troubling you so much." I apologized.

She is being a great help and eventhough she is my friend,  this al is really too much to ask for.

"Nandu, I'm your best friend and Nimmi is my sister too. This is my responsibility, not something you should be apologetic about. And I understand your situation, don't worry, I'll take care of Nimmi in your absence. " She assured.

"I know you will."

"I'll talk to you later, I have reached the office." She hung up and I kept the phone and plate on the nightstand.

I took up a file myself and began reading it when a maid knocked on the door.

"It's time to change your dressing madem." She suggested and I nodded gesturing her to come in.

I sat hanging my legs down and she got seated on the floor with the first aid kit.

As she was cutting the bandage, I began ruminating about everything happening in my life. It seems like yesterday when I was at my place with Nimmi leading a conscious yet happy life and today, here I'm, in this hellhole, all alone.

"Is this how the dressing is done? She isn't wincing that doesn't mean you ain't hurting her feet by holding it like that." I was startled at the sudden yelling and looked up to find Mr. Malhotra standing on the doorstep,  glaring at the maid.

"I-I'm sorry Sir." The poor girl dropped the bandage.

"Leave." He commanded and she hurriedly rushed out.

Closing the door behind him, he walked to me and sat on the floor in front of me.

"Why didn't you stop her? She was clearly hurting you by holding your feet like that." He asked and I had the flashback of him throwing me on those pieces of glass.

With a slight sardonic smile, I looked at him.

"I'm fine. I don't feel hurt anymore. " I told him looking straight into his eyes and his eyes soften a bit, probably with a tiny bit of guilt.

He looked away breaking the eye contact and my point was proven. He was feeling the guilt.

"I know I was harsh..." He trailed off and I waited for him to continue.

Gulping, he took the bandage in his hand.

"I was too harsh." He accepted and I waited for more.

But then all of a sudden, his soft expressions hardened and his face tightened in malevolence.

"But this is just the beginning. " He cautioned.

And I know exactly what to do right now!

I cupped his cheeks with both my hands softly and his eyes widened at the gesture. His muscles relaxed and I felt him breathing unevenly as I got close to his face.

And then, I did the unexpected.

"I forgive you." I whispered munificently and his eyes widened.

"I never apologized. " He stated in confusion.

"Your eyes did." He was stunned at my answer and I did a happy dance in my mind.

Mission Boring The Monster has officially begun.

He was just staring at me with shock and I smiled softly.

"I forgive you for everything and I assure you that I'll do everything you will ask me to, without a word of argument." I assured him with the softest smile I could muster.

"W-what are you—" "Shh!" I shushed him putting my finger on his lips and he looked even more shocked.

Two can play the game Mr.Malhotra, you can't always be the one with unpredictable actions.

"I understand your anger, pain and if hurting me can soothe any of it, I don't mind getting hurt." I told him with the kindest expressions possible and he looked completely taken aback.

And now, the final blow.

Smiling amiably at him, I hugged him and his body tensed.

The hug was really soft on my part but he didn't hug me back,  instead it looked like he had frozen. Smiling at myself, I broke the hug and found him looking at me without any expressions on his face.

He was probably stunned and I was glad about it.

I just kept looking at him kindly and he looked down.

I was just rejoicing my victory when he did something even more unexpected.

He held my injured feet tightly causing me to yelp in pain.

Tears immediately formed in my eyes as he held both my feet causing them to pain even more.

"Do you feel the pain now?" He asked in a robotic tone, his eyes red and hands shivering.

The pain was increasing every moment and I couldn't hold back my cries.

"Do you feel the pain now?" He repeated the question, this time louder.

I kept crying silently in pain and his face tightened again in malevolence.

"Answer me dammit! Do you feel the pain now?" He yelled louder than ever, holding ever more tightly if possible.

"Yes. I do!" I yelled back crying and he left my feet.

The injury had gotten worse and the pain was getting unbearable now.

"This is what I want." He muttered monotonously, as if trying to remind himself.

"This is what I want." He repeated louder getting up.

He roughly held my shoulders and pulled me to himself.

"This is what I want Nandini, your pain, you tears, your sufferings. This is what your excuse of a woman mother gave to my mom. My kind hearted, innocent mom had to go through so much pain that it became impossible for her to bear it and she had to end her life.

She must have felt worse Nandini, this is nothing, she must have died a thousand times before actually leaving this world, she must have cried a thousand times more before she decided it was enough. It must be really painful, really really painful.

And she had to go through all this because of whom? That bitch who you call your damn mother." He yelled the last part loathingly.

His eyes were filled with tears of hatred. Those red eyes were accusing me of something I was not even aware of until he told me.

The blood was oozing out of my feet and I felt really really weak.

"Wh-what if ma was innocent?" I spoke faintly and he laughed sardonically.

"Your mom innocent? Huh? You don't know Nandini your mother—" And before I could hear any further, I passed out.


Couldn't update last week cause my online exams were going on but don't worry, this week you'll get double updates 🥳

Also, guess Namdini's plan backfired. She pressed the wrong nerve. What do you say?

I hope you are liking the story so far.


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