50. Pretty!

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I put my phone down and exhaled deeply, leaning on the headstand.

Mr. Malhotra and Natasha had to attend this business party and I didn't feel like going, so I stayed back. I'm still overwhelmed with all the information I got today and badly needed this me time.

Parents are the biggest part of a child's life and eventhough I had Mumma and Papa with me, I always craved for my biological parents. I wished I knew them and Mr. Malhotra just fulfilled that wish.

And may be this is the reason of his changed behavior as well. He has started acting like a normal husband all of a sudden and though this behavior confused me earlier, may be now I know why. He has probably understood that I don't deserve to be treated the way he was treating me and reformed his ways for good.

A smile came on my lips with this thought and unintentionally I imagined a beautiful life with him, but this thought was really short lived as the memory of me begging in front of him flashed in my eyes.

Just because he has realised his mistakes, I shouldn't forget what all he has done to me. He married me for revenge, tortured me both mentally and physically and here I'm imagining a beautiful life with him? I'm ashamed of myself! This thought in itself is disgusting Nandini, how can you be so spineless?

Anxiously I got up from the bed and decided to go to the garden for a walk. I need to take my mind off these things.

As I opened the door of my room, I saw the driver bringing an almost passed out Mr.Malhotra towards our room, while Natasha walked behind them, looking really annoyed.

"What happened to him?" I asked them and Natasha rolled her eyes.

"I know your marriage hasn't been announced in public yet but at least accompany him to these kind of parties as his secretary? Girls don't leave a single chance to be all over him, considering he is still the 'Most eligible bachelor' for them. One of them mixed something in his drink and was trying to take advantage of him, I saved your husband's dignity today, but I'm not going to be there always, you need to take charge." She told me and I looked at Mr.Malhotra worriedly.

"Is he okay?" I asked softly.

"Fortunately. " Natasha replied and Mr. Malhotra opened his eyes slowly.

"Butteeeeeeerrrrrrflyyyyyyyyyyyy." Mr.Malhotra was heavily intoxicated.

"Shut up Manik. Take him to the bed" She instructed the driver and he started walking inside but Mr.Malhotra held Natasha's hands.

"You knowwwww, you mean so much to me. " He told her making a baby face and Natasha rolled her eyes again.

"I know Manik." She told him with a forced smile.

"How?" Mr.Malhotra asked in shock.

"Because you have been telling me this throughout the car ride." She told him with a tired smile and he looked even more shocked.

"Reallyyyyy?" He asked and she asked nodded in confirmation.

"That's amazingggggggg Butterfly. " Mr.Malhotra was GIGGLING. What else is left for me to see today?

"Stop calling me Butterfly. I'm not." She told him narrowing her eyes.

"Oh yes you are. Butterfly, beautiful, colorful, beautiful, free, beautiful, yes all of it. You are a Butterfly. " He stated and she looked at him with an adoring smile.

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