17. Surprised?

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"I just don't see any point in seeing these pictures Chachi. Why don't you understand? " I asked her getting annoyed in this phone conversation.

"But Nandu what is the loss here? What if you really like one? " She asked causing me to sigh as I packed my stuff.

"By merely seeing a picture? " I asked in disbelief and heard her click her tongue.

"I have also sent their bio data with their pictures, I just want you to see it once and then decide if you want to talk to anyone. Why is it so difficult for you to see the pictures Nandu? Why can't you listen to me for once? " She asked causing me to exhale deeply.

"Okay fine, Chachi I'll see the pictures but don't expect anything more. " I told her trying to get rid of the topic.

"Okay fine, I'm glad. Now see and let me know soon." She said with excitement.

"I'm leaving for home right now, I'll  see after I reach home and then let you know. " I told her picking up my bag.

"Okay Nandu no problem. " She agreed happily.

"I'll talk to you later Chachi, bye. " I told her and heard her "Bye" before disconnecting the call.

"When I'm not interested in getting married, why on earth she wants me to look at those pictures? How difficult is it to understand that I'm not interested? " I mumbled, leaving my cabin and heading outside.

It was already a horrible day and Chachi's demand just made it more horrible.

In the first place I've this Head of Evil for Boss and now this stubbornness  that Chachi is showing, it's not making my life easier. Why does she want me to get married before Nalini gets treated? What's the hurry?

Tired of the day, I stood outside the office, waiting for my cab to arrive and wishing for that Head of Evil to not appear out of nowhere, like he always does.

"Nandini. " I turned to find Dheeraj sitting on his bike on my other side.

"Um, hi. " I whispered looking down, getting embarrassed of what happened during lunch break.

"Listen I'm really sorry for leaving like that but you know I had no option. " He apologized and I shook my head.

"No no, it's okay. I understand. " I told him smiling slightly and he smiled back.

"Thanks, but if you don't mind can I ask you something? " He asked hesitatingly and I knew what he wanted to ask but I still agreed.

"Yes. " I encouraged and he he looked really hesitant.

"What had happened to Sir? Why was he acting that way? " He asked and I looked down not knowing the answer myself.

That man is crazy, a true Monster, only he knows what is going in his mind. How would I know?

I wanted to tell this to Dheeraj but before I could, the Monster did the honours himself.

"Not for you to know. " He appeared out of nowhere causing me to jolt.

Dheeraj gulped in fear and the Monster came and stood beside me.

"Leave and if I see you with her again... " He just trailed off his warning and I saw Dheeraj shivering.

"Sorry Sir. " He mumbled an apology before leaving me once again and I stood looking down.

"We need to talk. " He said and I saw my cab approaching me.

Without wasting a second, I ran to the cab and sat down in no time.

"9824 your otp, let's go now. " I told the driver hurriedly and saw Mr. Malhotra glaring at me from a distance.

Sighing in relief, as we began moving, I closed my eyes leaning on the seat.

"I'll give you five stars for sure. " I told the driver happily.

"Thank you ma'am. " He thanked me and I gave him a nod.

I had thought that the ride to home will be peaceful but it was not! I ran away from him impulsively but I forgot that I'll have to face him again tomorrow.

God! How simple everything was a few days ago, when I had not met this Head of the Evil. I worked and worked and just worked. And at the end of the day, had a peaceful night with my sister in the next room.

How wonderful were those days, of course I was worried about Nalini's health but I also knew that she'll be alright, I can get her treated.

But now, it's all a mess. All thanks to that one man who I once used to admire for the work he does. Ironical!

I reached my home and took out the key to unlock the door but found the door unlocked already.

What the! The sound of television could also be heard from outside causing me to believe that it was not some thief. May be Nalini has come to surprise me!

Grinning at the thought, I opened the door happily to find a big shock waiting for me.

"Aaah! " I yelled finding Mr. Malhotra sitting on my couch leisurely, watching the TV.

He looked at me with a fake smile and got up from the couch. I shouldn't be thinking this but he looked hell hot with that loose tie and two open buttons of the shirt, without the blazer. Uff!

Stop Nandini!

"Welcome home Miss. Murthy. " He welcomed spreading his arms with a mocking smile on his face.

"What the! " I exclaimed keeping my bag down and a smirk came on his lips.

"Hell? Oh well, it's your destiny now Miss. Murthy. " He said coming towards me and standing in front of me with that smirk.

I was speechless. How can someone enter their employee's apartment so casually? Who does that?

"Surprised? " He asked picking up my bag and keeping it on the table, beside me.

"What are you doing here Sir? " I asked coming straight to the point.

"Directly? Won't you ask how I got in? " He asked raising his eyebrows.

"No Sir, because I already know the answer. The Manik Malhotra. " I told him and he looked really amused by my answer.

"A quick learner you are, I must say. " He said smirking.

"Now will you please answer me, Sir? " I asked trying to control my anger.

" Well, I realised you don't like facing me too much, you ran away from me, so I decided to be around you all the time. I'm staying with you from now on Miss. Murthy. " He said smirking causing me to frown.

"What? " I asked in disbelief and he gave me a nod.

"You heard me. " He said leaning towards my face causing me to take a step back.

"No. I don't permit you to. " I told him and he looked at me in amusement before chuckling.

" Aww Miss. Murthy. How cute! " He pulled my cheek slightly annoying me even more.

" You seriously think I need your permission? " He asked amused causing me to glare at him.

"Yes you do! This isn't your office, it's my home. " I told him sternly and his smirk grew.

"Okay then. Make me leave your house. " He said spreading his arms arrogantly causing me to grit my teeth.


Well you cannot run away from him and that's for sure!

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