37. Mission Boring The Monster!

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"Are you done? I want to sleep. " I heard him whine and took my eyes off the laptop to look at him.

"Sleep then." I told him shrugging.

"I need darkness to sleep Mrs. Malhotra. " He stated in an obvious tone.

"Congrats for having this normal human trait. " I congratulated with a fake smile.

"Thanks, now turn off the laptop and lights because we are going to sleep. " He returned the fake smile.

"No, I'm not sleeping anytime soon. If you are really sleepy you can go to some other room, it's a huge house, you'll surely find a comfortable place for yourself. " I told him shrugging.

"But this is my room." He whined.

"Same Buddy same!" I looked back at my laptop with a smirk.

"Listen Nandini-"  "You listen to me Mr. Malhotra, since you have not left me capable of moving around,  I can't leave this bed so you will have to leave. Now take whatever you want, leave and let me work in peace." I told him in a stern tone and he looked like a sad lost puppy.

"But I can't sleep properly anywhere besides my bed." He complained.

"That's not my problem and since you are the cause of all these problems,  find a solution yourself. I don't care! Stop wasting my time!" I told him and he again made that sad puppy face.


"You are not cute." I told him

"Really? Like I want to be." He looked away.

"No, just letting you know,  you are not at all cute, especially when you make that sad puppy face, you don't look cute, not at all." I told him with a straight face.

"I'm not a soft toy that has to be cute Nandin, I'm better off being the Monster that I'm. " He smirked.

"Whatever! Go find yourself a room." I told him rolling my eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere." He stated.

"Okay then, stay awake, cause I'm working. " I told him looking back at my laptop.

He huffed before covering his face with the quilt causing me to smirk.

I was working silently for sometime after that until he threw the cover off his face aggressively startling me in the process.

"What the-" "When the hell will you sleep?" He asked annoyingly.

"I-" " You know what? Just shut up! You are not working anymore and that's final." He stated snatching my laptop and files from me.

"What are you doing?" I asked annoyingly.

"What I should have done long back." He said, keeping the stuff on coffee table and returning to bed.

"Now sleep." He said making me lie on the bed comfortably and covering me with the quilt.

He turned the lights off and kept his hand on my eyes making me close them.

"I know you are in pain and you don't want this but it's important for you to rest. Don't stress yourself too much" I couldn't help but gape at his words.

Don't stress? Seriously? The man behind all the stress of my life is asking me not to stress? Wow!

"Now sleep and if you need anything, wake me up okay?" He asked taking his hand off and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Okay?" He confirmed and I looked at him weirdly.

"Stop  weirding me out. " He made a face and I closed my wide open mouth.

"I'm sorry but what even are you? Do you even hear yourself? Why are you so strange?" I asked him and he looked at me with a face void of emotions.

"Sleep." He muttered before turning away and I just looked at his back.

"Stop staring." He whined and I closed my eyes immediately.

What is going on with this guy? Why is he so weird? Does he really have a split personality disorder? Or bipolar disorder? Or what if he has a lookalike who does all those bad things and he's the good one? Or vice versa?

God Nandini! I don't know what it is but  one thing is for sure, you are going crazy! What am I even thinking? Lookalike? Seriously? Is this some movie? Or am I just trying to justify his evil actions somehow? Oh God! What am I even doing? I seriously need some sleep, he's right. Sleep Nandini, may be it's the medicines. But I didn't had any medicine,  did I? Of course not!

"Oh shit!" He startled me again and I looked at him as he turned on the lights.

"Are you planning to give me a heart attack? Why do you keep on startling me like this?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"How can I forget?" He asked and I looked around.

"Are you talking to yourself? In your sleep?" I asked awkwardly.

"I'm all awake, can't you see?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Why are you yelling?" I asked and he sighed.

"Why didn't you remind me?" He asked causing me to frown.

"Remind you what?" I asked.

"That I have to give you medicines before sleep. How  will you heal otherwise?" He asked and I frowned.

"How would I know? I was unconscious when the doctor saw me." I told him.

"Common sense?" He asked in an obvious tone.

"Yeah right! It's all my fault. " I said sarcastically.

"Yeah exactly, you Mrs. Forgetful. " He said causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yeah, you know what? I don't want anything from you." I told him fuming now.

"Right, lying on my bed, getting treated by my doctor in my house, you don't want anything from me, nice." He taunted causing me to narrow my eyes.

"Yeah, and who made it happen? You not me! I wasn't dying to be in your house, getting treated by your doctor lying on your bed." I reminded him.

"Whatever, now have your medicines and shut the fuck up. There's no point arguing inthe middle of the night." He said turning to his nightstand.

"Glad we at least agree on the argument part but I'm still not having those medicines. " I told him stubbornly.

"I can force feed you anyday my dearest Wife, don't make me do it right now. Have these medicines and let's just sleep, I'm really not up for your dramas." He said forwarding the glass of water and some pills.

Thinking rationally,  I took the pills and gulped them in a go with water and handed him the glass.

"You are welcome. " He muttered keeping on the glass on his side.

Rolly my eyes, I put the quilt above me again and closed my eyes. I felt him lying beside me again and the darkness that consumed the room.

Why do I act irrationally around him? I was never this immature to act stubbornly against taking medications for my own good. Why do I have to act as stupid as he is, around him? Why can't I just ignore his presence and follow his orders robotically? May be that'll bore him and he'll leave me alone, in search of a new play toy? Well, that doesn't sounds bad.

So, Mission Boring The Monster can start from tomorrow. A new day and a new beginning.


Why do you think Manik is like this? Any speculations?

Hope you are liking the story so far.

I'll be updating every Sunday.


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