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The next day, I told Stacy at work about the exciting news. I didn't know how she'd react but I had to tell her since I was leaving so soon.
"I have something important to tell you Stacy."
"What is it?"
"I'm going with David on the rest of his tour and moving to England with him!"
She stared at me for a minute looking a bit disappointed.
"No, you're joking right? You can't leave me here Mel!" she cried.
"I'm so sorry but I'm afraid I'm not joking" I said.
"Well, I guess we can still talk on the phone once and a while..." she sighed.
"I promise I'll call you as much as possible!"
"When do you leave?!!" Stacy said excitedly.
"Tomorrow evening!"
"Well then you better get packing! Just make sure call and say goodbye to me before you leave ok Mel?" She replied.
"Of course I won't forget! I'll see you later!" I exclaimed.
I ran home to my apartment to pack considering I have to decide what to bring with me in 2 days. I got out my old, dusty green suitcase that was my mother's and began to pack. I threw in some jeans, band tees, a couple pairs of shoes, and a couple of tank tops. I also packed all 15 of my David Bowie vinyl records.
I was finishing my packing when all of a sudden I hear the phone ring down the hall. There's only one person that would be calling now.
I sprinted down the hall and picked up the phone.
"Hey Mel!" A familiar English accent spoke from the other line.
"Is there something you called me for specifically?" I questioned.
"Well, I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"If you're coming with me, we have to leave tonight."
I was planning on saying goodbye to Stacy but I'll just call her and tell her I'm coming over right after this... I thought to myself.
"That's ok we can leave tonight!"
"I'll pick you up at 6:30 okay?" David said. I could almost hear his smile through the telephone.
"Okay" I grinned. "I'll be ready! See you then!"
"Ok goodbye, love."
I let out a large sigh as I went back into my room and  prepared my luggage.

-Time Skip about 5 hours-

It was 6:25. I had already gone to Stacy's and told her the situation and said goodbye. She was quite disappointed, but she eventually let go and said goodbye to me.
My heart was thumping out of my chest and I was shaking. David would be here in 5 minutes and I was questioning whether I had chosen right or not.
"No, stop thinking that way" I reassured to myself.
I heard a knock on my door.
"Coming!" I yelled. I opened the door to see David in a suit and tie smiling at me.
"Hello love, are you ready?" David shouted.
"Yes I am" I anxiously replied. Inside I really wasn't.
"Alright let's go."
When we got to his car, he opened the passenger's seat for me so I could get in. He shut the door once I got in.
It was silent for a couple of minutes but when he reached a stop light, he turned the radio on. The song that came on was very familiar. After a couple of seconds, I realized it was Ricochet.
"Oh my gosh it's Ricochet! This is one of my favorite songs from your new album!"
"Really? Most people really like Let's Dance. You must be a big fan then."
"I'm kind of a giant fan. I have 10 shirts and all 15 of your albums..." I admitted.
"Oh wow. You like me that much hm?" He asked as he took his eyes off of the road for a second to look at me and smile.
"Well yeah.. I like other artists like Queen and The Beatles but you're my favorite. I actually brought all of my vinyl with me.. I couldn't leave that at home." I said softly as I blushed.
"That's very a very flattering remark thank you." He replied as he blushed a bit.
I have a record player in my tour bus if you want to play a couple. It'll take me back." He said happily.
We listened to music and had small talk until we got to where his tour bus was. Honestly, I can't say that a week ago I'd thought I'd be in a car with David Bowie on my way to England....
We got out of the car and went onto the tour bus. The only people on the bus were his band mates and the driver.
"Who's the chick?" One of them asked.
"Everyone, this is my friend Melanie. She's coming with us on the tour and back to England." He exclaimed, introducing me before I could say anything.
"Hello!" They all said.
"Hey there" I replied with a smile.
David and I sat on the floor of the bus next to the record player and we all talked for a while.
"Hey Mel, you said you had your records with you right?"
"Yeah, is there one you want to hear?" I asked nicely.
"Well if you have my 1967 album, I'd love to hear that even though I don't like it too much."
"Yes I do have it! I'd be happy to play it for you!" I smiled as I got my record out of my suitcase.
I put the record on the turntable. I didn't really know how to use this record player considering I had a tiny cheap one back at home. I didn't have money for anything this complex.
"Here, let me help you." David said as he laughed and sat right behind me.
"Look, all you have to do is press this button and move the dials here to change the volume and such." He whispered.
Since he was sitting right behind me and leaning just around my face, I could feel his breath as he spoke hit the side of my face, which made my skin tingle. I blushed a lot but I kept it as cool as possible because I didn't want to seem out of line but inside, my stomach was in knots and my heart was flipping a bunch.
"Thank you." I replied quickly. I was quite short of breath from what just happened.
"Are you okay? Did I do something?" He asked concerned.
"No! I'm just feeling a bit tired that's all!" I grinned.
"Alright then we can sleep." He smiled.
The tour bus was a double decker bus so it had 2 floors. The downstairs had pull out mattresses for the band and upstairs was David's own private bedroom.
"I have a king size bed so if you're comfortable with it, we can sleep in the same bed."
I was starting to get anxious from the previous events and now he's asking me to sleep in the same bed? I thought to myself. I don't want to sleep downstairs because I don't fully trust his band mates quite yet.
"No that's completely fine!" I said as cheerfully as possible.
We both changed and got into bed. I was still a uncomfortable as I was sleeping in a bed with my idol, and he had no shirt on.
We were both just laying in the bed. Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around me and I blushed as I flinched.
"David what are you doing?" I asked
There was no reply. He must have fallen asleep and not realized what he was doing.
I just went with it and lied there in his arms. I kind of enjoyed someone hugging me while I sleep. I'd never experienced anything like it.
"Goodnight David." I whispered quietly before I fell asleep.

Loving The Alien- A David Bowie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now