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I woke up the next morning and I looked at my surroundings. I forgot that I had come with David on the bus and we were going to his next tour destination. Soon after I had processed where I was, I realized David was missing.
I changed into my 1972 David Bowie tee and some cuffed dark wash jeans. I walked down the stairs of the bus to see David having coffee. His band mates went out already.
"Morning David!" I said with a smile.
"Well good morning love!" He said grinning back at me. "I thought you'd be sleeping for a while."
"I decided to get up and come and get something to eat."
"Well I have some toast and strawberries if you'd like that."
"Sounds lovely" I replied.
We both ate breakfast in silence and after a couple of minutes it was getting awkward and I decided to speak up.
"So where are you performing next?" I asked politely.
"Tomorrow night we're going to Washington state at the Tacoma Dome." He said with excitement in his eyes.
"That sounds so fun!"
"Did you come to my Detroit concert last week?" He asked.
"No I sadly didn't." I sighed. "I don't have the budget to buy tickets. Plus, if I'm going to a Bowie concert, I want to get good seats and that is completely out of range."
"Come to the concert tomorrow. I'll give you backstage access and you can watch from where it's not crowded." He offered.
"You don't have to do that for me David! I'd love to but, I don't want to be in the way."
"You're never in the way Mel!" He pleaded while he grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes. "Please, come to my concert. It would actually help to have you there! Plus, I know you really want to. He grinned at me.
"Ok ok! I'll come!" I replied smiling back at him. "I'm so excited!"
"Me too, love."
David had the rest of today to prepare for tomorrow's concert and relax before his next show. I figured he would want to relax in the bus and just chill out today but, he decided we were going out.
"Are you ready Mel?"
"Yep! Let's go!" I happily replied.
I honestly had no clue where David was taking me. We were walking down the streets of Tacoma and it was fascinating! It looked a bit like Detroit but nicer, and the people were more sophisticated. I liked this city.
"Here we are!" David exclaimed.
There was a giant shopping center in front of us with loads of stores. There was a record store, clothing stores, and even one of those high-end boutiques!
"Where would you like to go first, love? Your pick."
"Uhhhhh... this is a very difficult decision David." I laughed.
"Just pick something!"
"Alright then, let's go to the record store first!" I replied happily.
"Okay, let's go!" He replied while grabbing my arm and pulling me into the store.
The interior of this shop was huge! There were records and record covers displayed all over the wall, record players in one decently sized corner, and a whole wall dedicated to 45's!
"Oh my goodness David this is the largest record store I've ever seen!" I shouted.
"Well go look around, I might pick up a couple Little Richard records." He replied excitedly.
I left to go look at the full size records and I found at least 5 records I wanted but I had only 25 dollars.. I had Abbey Road, Queen's Hot Space, Magical Mystery Tour, The White Album, and Elton's Jump Up wrapped in my arms. I was struggling to carry all of them and choose one at the same time. David quickly noticed and came to help.
"Good picks, are you ready to checkout?" He replied with a grin.
"Not exactly you see, I only have 25 dollars and I can only afford one. So, I'm picking one of these 5 records to buy."
"Love, don't worry about it. I'll pay for all of them!"
"No way, you've already invited me to a concert and I can't accept this amount of generosity David!" I replied with a nervous smile.
David grabbed all of my records including the Little Richard one he grabbed and went to pay for them.
"Goodness, David. You've done too much for me."
"Can't you accept my generosity. It's seriously no problem for me, love. He replied.
"Fine, if you say so. Thank you, David."
"My pleasure."
He payed the 165 dollars and we quickly left the store. David grabbed my arm and dragged me into the boutique.
"David I think that's quite enough spending for today!" I pleaded.
"You need something acceptable to wear to the concert tomorrow, right love?" He insisted.
"Alright alright, you do have a point."
He leaded me over to the dresses. There were many varieties of different colors and types. We went to the short dresses.
"Do you have a color preference?" He asked.
"I really like blue if I'm being honest..." I smiled at him.
"Alright then blue it is!" He excitedly replied.
We went through all of the blue dresses and picked out 2 short blue dresses in my size. One of them was a deep blue with a halter neck and lace at the top. The bottom of the dress had sparkly material on top of the solid shimmery blue base. The other dress was the same deep blue but strapless. It had rhinestones in black and sliver on the lining of the top and the skirt of the dress had blue sparkly lace.
We went to the fitting rooms to try on the dresses and David handed me the halter dress first.
I went in the changing room and undressed myself. I quickly put on the dress. It fit pretty well but I couldn't zip the back zipper because my arms were not long enough.
"David!" I called out to him.
"Yes? Is everything ok in there love? He replied.
"Yes, I just can't zip the zipper. Could you come in and help me?"
"Of course I can."
I unlocked the door of the dressing room and right after, he came into the dressing room and zipped my zipper up. The dress fit me perfectly.
David put his hand on my shoulder as I stepped into the mirror and took a look at myself.
"I love this dress, David! It's so pretty and it fits perfect." I cheered. I quickly noticed the price tag was 1,500 dollars and my smile faded.
"You look so beautiful Mel! That dress is perfect." He exclaimed as his eyes met mine in the mirror.
This made me blush a little but it quickly faded because David saw that I noticed him looking at me through the mirror. He quickly looked away like nothing happened. This made me laugh inside but I kept it in so he wouldn't be embarrassed.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Well this dress is way too expensive. I can't let you buy anything this expensive for me!" I cried.
"I'm getting the dress Melanie." He insisted. "It fits perfect on you. You must have it."
"Are you sure David? You can't keep spoiling me with things." I told him.
"I have the money, plus it makes me happy to see you happy so I'm buying the dress. No questions asked and no but's." He commanded.
"Alright. If it makes you happy I'm happy too." I smiled at him and quickly went to hug him tightly.
He seemed surprised but he quickly hugged back. His shirt smelled of cologne. Usually cologne makes me cough, but his was light and nice so it was ok.
We sat in this hug for about 15 seconds until I let go.

I changed back into my jeans and t-shirt and then we proceeded to the checkout to buy the dress. He paid and then we left and decided it was time to go back to the bus. It was already 4:45.
"I had fun hanging out with you David" I yelled with excitement.
"I did too, love. I can't wait to see you in that dress tomorrow, watching me perform."
"I can't wait to see you perform for the first time!"
We got back to the bus and we both decided to go upstairs and bring the record player.
I put my dress in the small closet with David's clothing and sat on the bed. David followed me plugging the record player in and grabbing his Little Richard record.
We sat and listened to records until dinner. We went to bed at 8:30 that night because David and I had to get up at 6:30 in the morning for his practice show.

~time skip to the next morning~

I woke up to the sound of David's alarm clock blasting through the room. He quickly shut it off and
crawled back into bed. I got out of bed and tapped David on the shoulder.
"David, it's time to get up. You have to go practice before the show tonight." I said sweetly.
"Love, give me five more minutes please." He pleaded.
"Come on David!" I insisted as I pushed him out of the bed. He rolled off of the bed and onto me which made me fall on my bottom. His bare chest fell right on my legs.
We both started laughing so much. I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants.
"That's what you get for not getting up David." I chuckled at him.
"You're done for." David smiled playfully.
He stood up quickly and picked me up off of the ground by my waist and put me on his shoulders.
"What in God's name are you doing David?" I grinned and laughed.
"I'm taking you downstairs for breakfast." He chuckled.
He stumbled down the stairs and somehow safely made it without falling on the floor and killing us both. His band mates were looking at us with confused looks but they didn't say anything.
We ate breakfast and David and I went upstairs to get dressed while the bus driver drove us to the Tacoma Dome. We got off the bus a few minutes later and we made our way into the backstage area. I was full of excitement for tonight and I couldn't wait to see David live!

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